11 years ago
Hello all,

I'm trying to do some simple computation in a site form and just can't get it to work. There's just nothing happening at all.
I read and watched everything I could find about the subject, which is:

Here is my setup for the site form:

I want to do some very simple computation. Select field order_amount value multiplied by order_price_one_piece_brut. The result should be written to field order_price_net. Here is my computation setup:

After experiencing problems I simplified the formula. Later on I want to use order_mwst also, that is why it is in there.

My site form looks like this:

After choosing an amount from the select box a change event should be fired and the result of the computation should appear in the second input field. But nothing at all is happening.

Ichecked with Firebug for JS errors, there are none.

Seblod JS gets loaded on the site. I know this because I looked it up and vecause validation is working for the same form.

So I guess I might be missing some configuration somewhere.

If any of you can enlighten me on this I would be more than happy.

Thanks for reading

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi gerhard,

Have you figured out this problem?  Have you tired the Custom -> Free field for the calculation?



10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Randy,

thanks for having a look here.

No, I was not able to get it to work. Then I ended up buying the code pack and using my custom jQuery code for the computation. This works fine.

I had problems with this particular site after upgrade of joomla and Seblod. Apart from computation, conditional fields are also not working. This is a live project with a lot of content and I am really afraid to mess something up when I save my apps, uninstall and reinstall Seblod. I know I can do this on a dev server first to check if it is working and then do the same on the production server.
But this is exactly what I did when I upgraded J! and Seblod. On the dev server everything went smoothly. Then on the production server the problems started.

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Gerhard,

Its always a head scratcher when you encounter issues like these...

Is your dev server and the production server with the same host?


10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Randy,

no, they are different hosts.

I checked all the usual PHP settings like max_input_vars etc. But to no avail :-(
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi gebeer,

In your screenshot you seem to set a + b in the custom computation but you got 3 fields selected maybe tht's the bug.

good luck anyway
10 years ago
Level 3
Thank you for this hint.

Unfortunately this is not the cause. I took it out and still no computation happening. I guess the problem is update-related.
548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
Hi gebeer, 
sorry, but I don't understand:
- You said: "I had problems with this particular site after upgrade of joomla and Seblod" - Ok, What updates? From > To ?
- Then you said also: "On the dev server everything went smoothly. Then on the production server the problems started." - Are both with the same Joomla / Seblod versions ? Are both been updated with same "From > To" ?

- in first of all, Why not "backup and install" the dev server site (it's running) on the production server (it's not running) in a subdomain and vice versa, so we can be sure it not depend on server ?!?
10 years ago
Level 5
Hi joomleb,

I understand that this can be confusing for someone who reads through my posts (thanks for reading!).
To clarify:
- You said: "I had problems with this particular site after upgrade of joomla and Seblod" - Ok, What updates? From > To ?
Joomla 3.1.5 to 3.2.1, Seblod 3.1 to 3.2

- Then you said also: "On the dev server everything went smoothly. Then on the production server the problems started." - Are both with the same Joomla / Seblod versions ? Are both been updated with same "From > To" ?
Yes, they were both with the same versions and same update procedure for both. However, on the production server I got a blank screen during update of Seblod. But after going to the Seblod admin interface it showed the new version and I didn't get any error messages.

- in first of all, Why not "backup and install" the dev server site (it's running) on the production server (it's not running) in a subdomain and vice versa, so we can be sure it not depend on server ?!?

That was exactly what I wanted to do also. But I couldn't go this route because on the production site quite a lot of content had been added in the meanwhile. Dev Server is in subdomain and production server root domain. I also checked the PHP version and settings for both servers.
PHP Version: Dev 5.4.11, Production 5.3.28.
MySQL Dev 5.1.69-log, Prod 5.1.69-log.
max_input_vars Dev 1000, Prod 2500.

I have no idea what causes the different behaviour on Dev/Production Server. It might be related to the blank screen while updating Seblod. But this is just a guess.

If anybody has an idea, please share.

10 years ago
Level 6
Hi Gebeer,

1: I think, but with modesty, that j! 3.2.x needs MySQL 5.6.xx
2: I had too a problem of calculation. It was a matter of template framework (t3v2) see topic.
Good luck

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 7
Why do you write mySQL 5.6.xx ? 
Here in Joomla requirements and in Seblod requirements it is not mentioned

don't know if it is related, but sure Seblod require "max_input_vars = 3000", and be sure all values are active correctly taking a look on PHP information
10 years ago
Level 8
Hi joomleb,

you're right, I had this info, and unfortunatly relayed it here, from the support forum of my hoster.
The post was about a Akeeba and j! 3.2.x problem in witch tables of the database were missing.
The reply of the support was that they had to check mySQL version and put move the site to a MySQL 5.6.xx equiped server.
Sorry I can't point you to this topic close the session a long time ago.
regards and sorry to all for the false info
10 years ago
Level 1
thanks for clarifying the false MySQL statement. As for the template: I am using no framework. Template framework related problems are mostly caused by Javascript conflicts. I can rule those out because I am debugging on the FF console.

thanks for pointing this out. But I think we can rule this out because on the Dev server with value 1000 everything is working. A higher value is not needed by default. Only when you have forms with lots of fields you will need to raise the limit (see this old forum post). My PHP configuration is all ok on the production server.
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Regarding the blank page when updating, I cant say for all cases, but in some it appears to be slow transfer rates.  I had this exact problem twice last night on some test I was running.  I think if you encounter something like that, its a good idea to reinstall using a different method - like downloading the file directly instead of a web install.  In my case, I installed SEBLOD from my local directory and everything worked perfectly after that!

10 years ago
Level 3
Thank you, Randy.

I will give that a try.

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