Hi joomleb,
I understand that this can be confusing for someone who reads through my posts (thanks for reading!).
To clarify:
- You said: "I had problems with this particular site after upgrade of joomla and Seblod" - Ok, What updates? From > To ?
Joomla 3.1.5 to 3.2.1, Seblod 3.1 to 3.2
Then you said also: "On the dev server everything went smoothly. Then
on the production server the problems started." - Are both with the same
Joomla / Seblod versions ? Are both been updated with same "From >
To" ?
Yes, they were both with the same versions and same update procedure for both. However, on the production server I got a blank screen during update of Seblod. But after going to the Seblod admin interface it showed the new version and I didn't get any error messages.
- in first of all, Why not "backup and install" the dev
server site (it's running) on the production server (it's not running)
in a subdomain and vice versa, so we can be sure it not depend on server ?!?
That was exactly what I wanted to do also. But I couldn't go this route because on the production site quite a lot of content had been added in the meanwhile. Dev Server is in subdomain and production server root domain. I also checked the PHP version and settings for both servers.
PHP Version: Dev 5.4.11, Production 5.3.28.
MySQL Dev 5.1.69-log, Prod 5.1.69-log.
max_input_vars Dev 1000, Prod 2500.
I have no idea what causes the different behaviour on Dev/Production Server. It might be related to the blank screen while updating Seblod. But this is just a guess.
If anybody has an idea, please share.