8 years ago

Hello folks,

Can someone please explain how fieldx and groupx elements are handled by the Export add on.  Just curious about this as I have a need to export data into a spreadsheet for edits and then import back in again.  The form has fieldx and groupx on it.  Thank you!

Get a Book for SEBLOD
8 years ago
Level 1

I recently installed the seblod exporter and our main concern was fieldX and GroupX. I created 2 articles using a form having GroupX fields.  I exported them and I only see a column for the GroupX field and the values in the rows of the csv file is the count of how many times the GroupX fields have been saved against that article. I don't see any value what I fed in the articles agains each of the GroupX fields.

For example: 

title,alias,introtext,state,catid,created,created_by,created_by_alias,modified,modified_by,publish_up,publish_down,images,urls,attribs,version,ordering,metakey,metadesc,access,hits,metadata,featured,language,xreference,groupx_test_1 "This is Article title",this-is-article-title,,1,11,"2016-11-22 11:33:24",951,,"2016-11-22 11:58:25",951,"2016-11-22 11:30:00","2016-11-30 11:30:00",{},{},{},4,1,,,1,0,{},0,*,,1 "This is Article title 2",this-is-article-title-2,,1,11,"0000-00-00 00:00:00",951,,"2016-11-22 12:06:04",951,"2016-11-22 12:05:00","2016-12-01 12:05:00",{},{},{},3,2,,,1,0,{},0,*,,2

Get a Book for SEBLOD