8 years ago

Hello! And thanks in advance for your help. I just created a web page using Joomla for a client with your great CCK, to achieve easy user administration to a manager of this webpage. The intention is to allow this manager to create new users and to select the right user group for each of them (I have a lot of user groups)... but there is a problem: when selecting the user group the super admin group appears as well as an option and this is very dangerous.

Is there any way to hide a certain user group (like the super user's one) to this manager?


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1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


Add a new field:


Add the usergroups you want ie "public=0", "registered=1", "manager=3"    

Set the fields storage to the same as the field that is being replaced :

standard | article | usergroup

The above is only an example. The values and storage need the correct values assigned


8 years ago
Level 2

Hello and thanks! I will try it

8 years ago
Level 1

Now I have another problem... every time that I try to save a new field from the form creator nothing happens... the field is not created. Only works the "close" button. And I'm sure that all the fields are correct and the id of the field is not duplicated. I tried in Firefox, Chrome, Opera...

What could happen?

1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2


If I could help I would but that stuff is beyond me. All I would do is think 'what has changed, what is different from yesterday to today?'. 


8 years ago
Level 1

Hello Oscar,

and thank Bucklash for your help.

When you have a problem to create a field in the content type administration, it's often due to your PHP environnement and probably the variable "max_input_var". So by increasing this value, all must be fine.



8 years ago
Level 2

Hi and thank you both :-)

Bucklash: I'm afraid that nothing has change... it's only that until now I never have had to create a field... I only used the fields that were already existing

Lionel: I already increased this value to a huge 20000 in my local installation... but still not working. Nothing happens when I press 'Save' or 'Save and close', except that the label '*Available' appears above the "Name" field every time I do it

8 years ago
Level 1

Well... I finally resolved the problem, but the solution it's a little weird. To save a new field I have to press the "Save button" about 10 times before the field is created.

Now my problem is another: I don't know where to storage the field's value to make that the new user I am creating becomes a member of this particular group. In fact, every new user could be a member of more than a one group. I have read the tutorials about seblod storage, but I'm afraid that I'm stuck...

Thanks for your patience.

1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2
EDIT: I have observed in all my local sites that the USER admin form is unable to save changes, ie add or remove a field, and when I change to the site form I receive a message: "The most recent request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.
EDIT OF MY EDIT: I did what Lionel said re max_input_vars and all is good. Thought it was a new problem as never experienced it before and my setup is the same. 


Hi Oscar


So do you get the same 'save' issue with a fresh installation of Joomla. If not, compare the difference ie other extensions loaded, changes made etc. Sounds pretty odd and broken.I had a drama a long time ago that I thought was between a slideshow module by someone and a component by someone else. It turned out the new Joomla version didn't have the right javascript version (or something like that...)


Where to store the fields value:

In the seblod user form, the storage for usergroups is...

Standard | User | groups

So that is the answer, too.

For your select field or whatever you have used set storage to the same


8 years ago
Level 3

No way... :-( 

When I mark the group's checkbox (or select list) in the user creation and save it, this information doesn't really saves in the user profile. Every time I do it, the user is created, but only as a "registered" user, not in the (for example) "group A"...

Any ideas? I owe you a coffee (even a cappuccino)... Thanks!

1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 4

Hi Oscar. 

I have tried with a 'select - dynamic' field and a 'form - checkbox' field and I receive an error, the issue seems too be how the data needs to be stored. It is one row in DB per usergroup so if two usergroups are selected then there would be two new rows in #__usergroups.  

I think anotherr way is to use js or css to hide the unwanted usergroups. 

It's a traditional long Macc these days, not sure I've earnt it yet 

8 years ago
Level 5

Thanks again for your efford. Must be a easier way to do this... I don't think that what I'm asking here it's so strange... In a Joomla website the super user not always is the responsible to create the users... could be a manager, a secretary... :-(

Yes, I work with CSS, PHP and Js but to modify SEBLOD I need to know which file I have to rewrite... I made it with Joomla's user core form, but I didn't find a way to do that with this CCK. This is why I came to the forum.

Well, I hope somebody can assist us. Thanks!

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