Thanks for you speedy response. I've got it working. I did create a new table through the group x. Took me a while to understand I could type in the mapped column to create a new column though the group x field - no sql script required. Very cool. Since I was pulling the group x data via a database call though a module that is positioned outside of the Seblod template, I had to create a crazy formatting function to get the groupx field data in JSON format. Everything is golden! Thanks for your help.
Here is a little tutorial on how I got here:
I needed to create a custom banner that allows an administrator to create a banner (we call Flex Banner) in an article showing multiple banners and each banner would have a title, description, link, and banner image. The admin should be able to delete and create additional banners dynamically with a limit of 10. This banner would be displayed outside and above the Seblod content area. Also, I would need extensive control of the markup. I decided that the best way to do this is to create a custom module and position it at full width in the page header section.
Step 1
Create a custom type (I call flex_banner) and create the following fields:
- Link (flex_banner_link)
- Image (flex_banner_image)
Both fields are saved to use standard storage. For the image field, I checked the "advanced" box so I could pull the image's description and title.
Step 2
In the custom type (My Custom Article) that the administrator uses to manage their page content, I created a group x field and assign it to the custom type created in Step 1. The storage for this is set to custom and I mapped it to a new column called "flex_banner_groupx".
Now the user can set up their banners in the back end and we can see how the database is storing the data. The _cck_store_form_my_custom_article table shows the flex_banner_groupx column and stores the data in funky seblod formatting. If you copy and paste this data in an editor, you can see it has a sort of nested format. In order to make use of this data, I needed to pull the data and parse it into JSON format.
Step 3
Create a custom module and set the position desired. I'm not going into detail here but my advice to you is to make a basic hello world to see if you have it set up correctly.
In the module's helper.php file I used two classes. One to query the database and the other to convert the data into JSON
function customFlexQuery($select, $from) {
// Get a db connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$article_id = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('id');
$query->where($db->quoteName('id') . ' = ' . $article_id);
// Reset the query using our newly populated query object.
// Load the results as a list of stdClass objects (see later for more options on retrieving data).
$results = $db->loadObject();
//clean the query up to remove seblod's before and after tags in the field
$custQuery = $results->$select;
return $custQuery;
function replace_content_inside_delimiters($start, $end, $new, $source) {
return preg_replace('#(' . preg_quote($start) . ')(.*?)(' . preg_quote($end) . ')#si', '$1' . $new . '$3', $source);
//convert text from flex_banner_groupx data in database and convert to valid json
function getJsonData() {
$flexSeblodData = customFlexQuery('flex_banner_groupx', 'x36w0_cck_store_form_program_page');
$str1 = replace_content_inside_delimiters('flex_banner_image|', '|flex_banner_groupx', '', $flexSeblodData);
$str2 = replace_content_inside_delimiters('flex_banner_link|', '|flex_banner_groupx', '', $str1);
$str3 = str_replace('<br />', '', $str2);
$str4 = replace_content_inside_delimiters('::flex_banner_groupx::', '::/flex_banner_groupx::', '', $str3);
$str5 = str_replace('::flex_banner_groupx::::/flex_banner_groupx::', '{"flex_banner_groupx":{', $str4);
$shrapnel = explode('::cck_flex_banner_groupx::flex_banner::/cck_flex_banner_groupx::', $str5);
// add an incrementing number for each cck_flex_banner_groupx -
$newStr = '';
$count = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($shrapnel); ++$i) {
if ($i == count($shrapnel) - 1) {
$newStr .= $shrapnel[$i];
} else {
$newStr .= $shrapnel[$i] . '"cck_flex_banner_groupx_' . ++$count . '":{';
$str6 = str_replace('::flex_banner_image||flex_banner_groupx::', '"flex_banner_image":', $newStr);
$str7 = str_replace('::/flex_banner_image||flex_banner_groupx::', ',', $str6);
$str8 = str_replace('::flex_banner_link||flex_banner_groupx::', '"flex_banner_link":', $str7);
$str9 = str_replace('::/flex_banner_link||flex_banner_groupx::::cckend_flex_banner_groupx::::/cckend_flex_banner_groupx::', '},', $str8);
$str10 = str_replace('::cckend_flex_banner_groupx::::/cckend_flex_banner_groupx::', '}', $str9);
//remove the last comma
$jsonFlex = strrev(implode(strrev(''), explode(',', strrev($str10), 2))) . "}}";
//we have to convert json to an object by decoding it
$flexObj = json_decode($jsonFlex, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
return $flexObj;
Then edit the module's default.php file to get the variables like so:
<div class="container">
<div class="nuflex <?php echo getBannerType(); ?>">
$flexObj = getJsonData();
$flexBanner = $flexObj['flex_banner_groupx'];
$banner = '';
$counter = 0;
foreach ($flexBanner as $banner) {
$flexBannerTitle = $flexBanner['cck_flex_banner_groupx_' . $counter . '']['flex_banner_image']['image_title'];
$flexBannerImage = $flexBanner['cck_flex_banner_groupx_' . $counter . '']['flex_banner_image']['image_location'];
$flexBannerDesc = $flexBanner['cck_flex_banner_groupx_' . $counter . '']['flex_banner_image']['image_description'];
$flexBannerLink = $flexBanner['cck_flex_banner_groupx_' . $counter . '']['flex_banner_link']['link'];
<div class="image" style="background-image: url('/<?php echo $flexBannerImage; ?>');"></div>
<div class="caption">
<div class="content">
<h2><?php echo $flexBannerTitle; ?></h2>
<p><?php echo $flexBannerDesc; ?></p>
<a href="/<?php echo $flexBannerLink; ?>" class="btn btn-secondary">Read More</a>
<?php } ?>
I hope others can benefit from what I've learned here. I know the parsing code is ugly. Let me know if you have any better ideas.