46 Posts
11 years ago

With the Plugin Search-Join http://www.seblod.com/products/922 you can use the Joomla Native Tag-System. This works fine as filter (simple-select). You can use also multiple-select but in this case this works only with OR (AND is not possible).

How it works:

1. In order to get tags in your articles you have to put a field from type Tags (JForm - Tag) in your forms (admin and maybe site) (Forms & Content Types).

Storage: Standard|Article|tags

2. Create in your search-form (Lists & Search Types) one field from type Dynamic (Select - Dynamic) with Query Free:

SELECT DISTINCT title text, id value FROM #__tags LEFT JOIN #__contentitem_tag_map ON #__tags.id = #__contentitem_tag_map.tag_id WHERE #__contentitem_tag_map.type_alias = "com_content.article" ORDER BY #__tags.title

Storage: Standard|Free|#__tags|id

Match + Stage (Button #3): Any Words Exact

You can set this field as Filter but is not necessary.

3. Create in your search-form (Lists & Search Types) one field from type Join (Search - Join) with construction:

left Join  :    #__contentitem_tag_map | content_item_id | id |   #__content

left join (2): #__tags | id | tag_id  |  #__contentitem_tag_map

left join (3): 

That’s all! Have fun with it!

Best regards


Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Nice work Castor and thanks for the share.

10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Castor,
do you use tags for userpages in the registration form??
I'd like to make selection process hidden for a user, based on pre-defined tags = usergroups

basically, i want to assign somehow tags to a userpage (bridge in ON) based on a chosen usergroup....but with no luck...
here is my headache since a half a year ...still unsolved. Maybe you have an idea?

116 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


Thanks a lot for that. I was struggling with it and I happened to find it. It saved me a lot of time.


10 years ago
Level 1

Got it finally (was finger trouble), so i've cleared the message


9 years ago
Level 1


We also would like to us the Joomla native tags system in seblod but we need to be able to restrict tags to a subtree. I don't see any means to display only tags from a given parent.

This would be very useful at the submission form as well as in the search form.


233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hello pulsarinformatique, you speak from my heart ;) I have noticed that drawback with J! core tags features since the initial release. I have mentioned it in serveral places, but I could not find a "soulmate" that understands my request and thoughts :D 


IMHO, even the J! core implementation lacks 2 important things:
(although it is very versatile and comprehensive from the beginning)

1.) restricted selection on submission
2.) a true Blog layout with columns

Funnily, there is even ACL support per tag, but no root/tree dependent restriction on selection. You can only switch the selection style... and you will get all tags. It should definitely work like the display parameters, where you can start from a certain category.


I am following this topic... ;)

9 years ago
Level 3

Hello again

I agree with you. Even if the real joomla tag doesn't propose this restriction on the search and submission forms I thought the seblod one could do it ! In the parameters we may add the parent tag for example. It won't break the compatibility with the native behaviour. 

Can someone from Seblod comment this please ? Maybe we can try to fork this field and propose our own


9 years ago
Level 1

Hello Castor: I'm trying to make a seblod list module that displays the title of the articles that have the same joomla tag as the current article.

Based on your idea I tried it but I can't retrieve the value of the tag(s) of the current page even with the live field live value plugin (id/ art_tags).

any idea please?



9 years ago
Level 1

Hi All

In the meantime we prefered modified the seblod ARTICLE TAGS which works but doesn't fully implement the tags feature.

Actually the current article tag hass two flaws:

  1. it doesn't allow to set the parent tag so you can't have several families of tags inside your site. all the tags are stored on the same level
  2. the content search according to the tags is not implemented. you have to add some Search JOIN fields to get it

Therefore we updated the ARTICLE TAGS to solve these two issues. You can download it there!

Be carefull there are two plugins: the updated TAG field and a new live value plugin to retrieve the tags of the current article.

Our idea is always to extend Joomla! with Seblod instead of replacing it. Since Joomla now proposes a TAG feature we believe it is better to make it fully available within Seblod and to extend it with Seblod.

Happy tagging !


233 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

+1 :)

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Hi Pulsarinformatique

In your last reply you hint at an update to Joomla tags system:

Since Joomla now proposes a tag feature

do you have any links you could add to point to this info?

I am thinking of using tags extensively and bypassing categories (within reason). I'm trying to understand the limits of tags in the big tags vs categories discussion.



9 years ago
Level 4


I was just referring to the Joomla Tags as they are in J3. Seblod comes with the Article Joomla Tag field but it can't be easily used in a search list. Therefore we modified it here : http://www.pulsar-informatique.com/telechargements-gratuits/pulsar-article-tags 


1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5


Thanks for clarifying that, Cyril.

Looks a like a cool modification you did. Especially the parent select!! That is a crucial bit of detail missing from Joomla Tags

Any thoughts on TAG aliases? If I want registered users to tag content as they wish (images, pdf's articles etc) I was thinking along the lines of altering the alias from {[alias]} to {[alias]_[user_id]} before it gets stored in the database. That way a user can label the content without conflict from other users...


17 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Dear Cyril,

thanks a lot for sharing! I need to set the parent tag too... unfortunately the link to download your improved article tags field doesn't work anymore. Is it not a free download anymore? or link has been removed cause now in latest version of original SEBLOD article tags field, those 2 problems you're talking have been fixed?

Best regards,

8 years ago
Level 3


We now use the seblod / joomla TAG field but only in the form/content views. For the seach views you can use the following search tag


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