I'm new to Seblod, have juste played with it for a day. Before going further and use it for my current project, I have a few more questions:
- Samples
Is there free "apps" free to download, to discover "best practices" ?
I'm considering buying subscription but I want to do some tests before...
- Joins
Is there a simple (or not so simple...) way to do joins like this:
Content type Contact (custom fields name, email, url)
Content type Article (custom field: Author -S synamix Select from Contact)
Front end "Content view" ==> JOIN: "[Article.fulltext] written by [Contact.name]. Contact him [Contact.email] - [Contact.url]"
- One step further: 1-n relationship
What if each Contact, in my sample, can have many urls ? Is it possible to handle one-to-many relationships ?
i.e. Front end "Content view" ==> JOIN: "[Article.fulltext] written by
[Contact.name]. Contact him [Contact.email] - [Contact.url1] [Contact.url2]...[Contact.urln]"
Thank you, have a nice day !