143 Posts
10 years ago

I'm updating a J2.5.19 site to J3.2.3 but I'm getting a blank screen on both front and backend. After I maximized "error reporting" via configutation.php I see the following error on front and backend:

Fatal error: Class 'JCck' not found in  [PATH]/plugins/system/cck/cck.php on line 40

What must (can) I do to fix this? Before updating Joomla to J3.2.3 I took care of installing Seblod 3.3.2 which was working fine. 

Ps. I updated Joomla via 'installatron' on the webserver (The previous attempt was via the site itself )
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143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

I actually think the question boils down to: 'Can I update my website from J2.5.19 site to J3.2.3 with Seblod in my luggage'?
What should I do?

1) Disable all the non-Joomla plugins before the step-over
2) Execute the joomla update from J2.5.19 site to J3.2.3
3) Then re-upload (overwrite) the programs (jce, Seblod, nonumber, etc) on the 'other side' (J3.2.3)
4) And only then re-enable the plugins?

... or is this a wrong line of thought? I'm willing to try it ..

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Bernard!

I think you have the process correct based on this post!

I'm trying to recreate your errors...


143 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Randy,

As the site originally moved from J1.5 to 1.6, 1.7, 2.5.xx it carried a lot of 'dirty laundry.
I religiously followed your suggested LINK and also instructions on this link . Then I kept on backing up, trashing, reinstalling and eliminating obsolete directories in my Joomla installation as errors kept on popping up. Google was my biggest friend to whom I kept on posting all the (Joomla) errors in quest for an answer.

All the time I was struggling to (mini)migrate from J2.5.19 to J3.2.3,  I kept Seblod 3.3.2 in it's belly without altering any of it's files.

When I finally managed to give birth to a healthy baby J3.2.3 (took me MANY HOURS!),

Seblod gave me no errors (exept for an image upload field which I fixed by opening and saving it)

Chapeau to Seblod 3.3.2 - There was nothing wrong with you!!

ps. ALWAYS put error reporting on 'maximum' in configuration.php when you get a blank screen - google might help you to point you in the right direction when posting errors
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