11 years ago

Hi guys,

I'm about to make a huge site with a great number of reviews and articles. I'm a "joomla professional" and has been using Seblod before.

With great number I mean up to 50 000 articles and perhaps 6 000 users. Most of the reviews and articles will be posted on the front edit by the users - therefor a CCK is needed for consistent content.

I was peeking a bit towards Form2Content (Pro) and just realised that you actually have released the Seblod for Joomla 3 (last time I checked it was only for 2.5 and that was not good enough for me).

So, a few questions:

1. Would you say Seblod would be the best choice for me?

2. Would it work fine, even with the great number of users and articles?

3. What bottlenecks should I think of?

4. In earlier versions I could se "template tags" in Seblod articles when using Joomla search functions. Is that fixed?

5. What can I aspect of the search funcion (performance/speed) with such great number of articles?

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548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

2/3 Take a look here to find an answer on these questions

251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
11 years ago
Level 1

No body here can justify if seblod suit you unless you try it yourself, your need can be done in seblod.. But no one here (i guess) ever done a stress test with seblod in term of performance

Bottleneck would be memory.. A single request in page with seblod can took up to 18mb.. So if you have less memory allowed per account.. This can be a problem

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