58 Posts
11 years ago

Hello Seblod Team,

thank you for your great Kit.

I have found no solution for my problem the last week.

I have two items: producer and products.

When a product is displayed, it should also the other products from the producer and the producer itself displayed as a link.

When a producer is displayed, it should also his other products displayed as a link.

Thank you for your help.


P.S.: Seblod 3.1.1 and Joomla 3.1.5

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

You should be using Seblod 3.1.5 with Joomla 3.1.4 or higher.

58 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Thank you for you answere.

I have updated to 3.1.5

Do you have any ideas?


11 years ago
Level 1

Have you tried using Article (Related) as a content type?

58 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Yes, I try to solve the problem with related articles.

Modul that display a list that search related articles. I used the ckk standard in the search field with the live value of the content type "related_article". The output is: all articles but not from the users article.

I found no solution to display the other articles depend on created by of the main article.

I give you the app. If you want to rebuild that, you will also create a modul with a position "rel" and that displays the list "list all articles" and you have to make a menu that display one of the articles you have wrote with different users.


Thank you for you help.


58 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hello Seblod Community,

in my first step I set the live value of the ckk field to my content form "related_article" (Screenshot).

The result was: Selbod show me all articles based on "related_article" (Screenshot).

Then I took another criteria in it (Screenshot), 

based on that seblod article in the forum: http://www.seblod.com/community/forums/forms-content-types/show-all-submission-from-a-user

And that was result: (Screenshot).

Do you have any ideas?

Thank you in advance.


41 Posts
Umair Hassan
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Rasch dmd,

I am not expert of Seblod but have made 3 websites with Seblod.

The procedure explained in the below post is fine, just change "id" to "user_id"


See the procedure again:

  • add field "article created by" to the search form
  • click on button 2 in order to add live plugin "Joomla! user" to the field "article created by"
  • click on button "configure" near to joomla! user option. Then, add "id" "user_id" value as property.
  • click on button "3" to select option "Exact" for "exact matching"

  • Hope the above will work as it is working for me in your provided app.



    58 Posts
    11 years ago
    Level 3

    Hey Umair,

    thank your for your answere,

    I insert the field as you wrote but I see the same result as before: all articles in the content type are shown.

    See screenshots: live, live value, result.

    You see that super user and max articles displayed.

    Do you have any ideas?

    Thank you in advance.


    58 Posts
    11 years ago
    Level 1

    Hey Umair,

    thank your for your answere,

    I insert the field as you wrote but I see the same result as before: all articles in the content type are shown.

    See screenshots: live, live value, result.

    You see that super user and max articles displayed.

    Do you have any ideas?

    Thank you in advance.


    58 Posts
    11 years ago
    Level 1

    Hello Seblod family,

    I install a fresh sit with joomla and seblod. Enter the same entries as above. Same result.

    My head is cracking.

    Can anyone help me, please.

    Thank you in advance.


    41 Posts
    Umair Hassan
    11 years ago
    Level 1

    Hi Ralf,

    I have made a tutorial for you with Related Article Field in which you can see how to link two articles bilateral.

    Dropbox Link

    Application for Download

    I made two products and Two producer and linked product 1 with producer 1 and product 2 with producer 2.

    Product 1 only shows under producer 1 and

    product 2 only shows under producer 2.

    Note: In your Search Type; Match should be selected as "Exact". Otherwise if any producer have similar id as the current producer have will also be showing the products of both producers. (i.e producer 1 have id 23 and producer 2 have id 123)

    Hope it is the same you want to do.

    Best of Luck.

    Best Regards,


    58 Posts
    11 years ago
    Level 1

    Thank your for your great work.

    I will try it now.


    58 Posts
    11 years ago
    Level 1

    Hey Umair,

    what I want is that when you see an article, all other article from that user displayed too.

    Example: There is an article from user umair. Under that article all other articles are displayed with its linked title and perhaps an main picture.

    I know, what you did. You connect the two form fields together with the producer field. And you see below a link to the producer.

    In my image I should ask joomla, who is the creator of the article and please display all other article that the user has written.



    58 Posts
    11 years ago
    Level 1

    Hello Umair,

    I have rebuild your app with your great tutorial. I see forward to change it for my purpose.

    I will give this app to this community.

    Thank your for your help.


    58 Posts
    11 years ago
    Level 1

    The module for list products in the producer article has no result when you put it into the product article.

    And that is my main problem. I am searching 2 weeks for a solution.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you.


    41 Posts
    Umair Hassan
    11 years ago
    Level 2

    Hi Ralf,

    Now I got your issue. for this purpose you need SD Live CCK Field plugin. You should copy Produce Search Type which i made in the tutorial in this new Search Type do the following:

    • Set "live value" of the producer field with CCK live plugin like i made in below picture.
    • Make a new Seblod List module and show it on any existing position you would like to show it.

    I have made a Magazine site with this plugin but in Joomla 2.5 to show similar articles in a module, at that time this plugin was free but now it is not. As i am in Pakistan and can not use Paypal as it is not supported for our Country so can not buy that plugin.

    But I am showing the same what I used in Joomla 2.5. See below:

    Picture Link

    Hope the above is the solution for you.


    Umair Hassan Raja

    58 Posts
    11 years ago
    Level 1

    Hi Umair,

    the picture link is broken. Sorry.

    Can you repost it or send it to info@rasch-dmd.de?

    Thanks, Ralf

    41 Posts
    Umair Hassan
    11 years ago
    Level 2


    Link is corrected now.


    11 years ago
    Level 3

    Thanks a lot Umair for your help on SEBLOD forums and so sorry to not be able to propose you SEBLOD commercial products.

    Do you know which payment system is possible in Pakistan?


    41 Posts
    Umair Hassan
    11 years ago
    Level 4

    Hi Bes,

    I have never done online transactions as most of the cases Paypal is there. But my friend has used 2checkout in Pakistan, he said he always do transactions through 2checkout.

    Hi Ralf,

    Most Welcome......

    Please mark this thread as solved.



    58 Posts
    11 years ago
    Level 4

    Hello Bes,

    thank you for this phantastic cck.

    Is it possible to open a new part in the forum, that called "solutions" ?

    So the user can put their solved apps in it and descible it how to use it.

    Perhaps an idea.



    58 Posts
    11 years ago
    Level 1

    Hallo to all,

    thanks to Umair. He solve this in a exact way.

    ***** 5 Stars for him.

    58 Posts
    11 years ago
    Level 1

    For all who need this solution, here is the app!

    1. Further you need 2 moduls

    with positions    Search Type

    products            Products 1 Search

    products2          Products 2 Search

    2. You need Simons Live CCK Field!

    3. You have to write producers and products depend on producers.

    4. You need to call an article or a blog via menu.

    That’s all.


    11 years ago
    Level 1

    Thanks for posting this.

    I was able to follow through for a similar scenario I have regarding Tradeshows which consists of an Event (Product in your example) at a Venue (Producer).

    What I was aiming for was to have a List/Search show all trade shows with both the event and venue (like a map and adress etc.). After thorough testing I realized that my problem actually has to do with SD CCK Live Plugin. The symptons was that it always showed the same Venue for all the Events in the list. When I reversed the display order (of the search) it also showed the same Venue for all Events, but another one compared to the previous ordering. I came to the understanding of what was meant by:

    Important Note on Usage

    SD Live CCK Field does NOT work when there are multiple articles listed on the page, i.e in blog view etc. It works when there is a single full article view, and another search list used (as a module or not, it does not matter).


    Is there a way around this, or can I through the template go around this issue? Maybe I can in the template call something to render the Venue of ID that is specified in the Event?

    Many thanks!

    Get a Book for SEBLOD