548 Posts
11 years ago


Creating a Standard "SiteA" using Seblod Multisite feature, into the SiteA creation page I have to select the "Language" field. 

I noted it doesn't show the Language I have yet instaled in Joomla, so I think, that field it refers to the Seblod language files (I have not yet installed). My question is: Is it right ?!?

That field should not refer to the default language for SiteA (as for the MainSite into the Joomla Language Manager) ?

After that, don't finding any special Seblod Language Manager, I suppose that I have to use the Standard Joomla "Extension Manager - Install" to install the Seblod laanguage files I can find here. Can you confirm it ?

Many Thanks for support... 

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi joomleb,

Thank you for your post.

Can you tell us what is your final aim in order to help you?


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Mehdi, 

In first, my final aim is to find an answer on these questions:

Creating a Standard "SiteA" using Seblod Multisite feature, into the SiteA creation page I have to select the "Language" field. 

I noted it doesn't show the Language I have yet instaled in Joomla, so I think, that field it refers to the Seblod language files (I have not yet installed). My question are: 

  • Is it right ?!?
  • That field should not refer to the default language for SiteA (as for the MainSite into the Joomla Language Manager) ?

Then, if with "my final aim" you mean the languages I'm looking for, well, right now I'm looking for install Spanish and Italian.

Many Thanks for help 

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Mehdi, 

Sorry if I write here, but there is no way to send a PM here in Seblod. I noted you replied to jimenaes. I reported this Bug about it:


11 years ago
Level 1

Dear joomleb!

Confirmed: Install Language-Packs as normal Joomla Extension:

Transiflex SEBLOD project:

For Translating Fields etc., activate JText in Options! Then you can translate via:
Joomla-menu / Extensions / Languages / Overrides. You can find and edit the override-files also within root/languages/overrides and root/administrator/languages/overrides

I have heard somewhere that there is a problem with multisite + JText. Don't know if this is true, is it?  Didn't test it. (@joomleb: would be useful if you'd share your experience with JText+multisite, thx) 
I downloaded German somewhere in the forum. SEBLOD-people: couldn't you offer a Download-section for the ready-made transiflex language zip-files somewhere? Can't find it anymore …

Best regards!

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi mandrael, 

many thanks for help.

I'm still waiting same "official language release" here on Seblod before to try languages packs hooping all will be released soon. I have encountered a lot of small issues using the Multisite feature and I'm trying to understand and solve them step by step (not yet a full documentation and support here, so I'm in trouble). As I'll check them I'll let you know.

About the "Language" field creating a Standard "SiteA" using Seblod Multisite feature (into the SiteA creation page) question, I'm still confused, because as wrote into the Set Up a Site Guide seem that field is for:

"Language: if the site is to dedicated to a language, select the language. If you use this mode, you don't need to use the Joomla language field, just assign contents to the site by using access levels. SEBLOD will assign automatically the good language to your contents"

11 years ago
Level 1

Hi joomleb,

It seems to me that the seblod specific languages files have nothing to do with the available language options in the multisite configuration interface. What you need to create is "content languages" and that can be done here : yoursite/administrator/index.php?option=com_languages&view=languages.

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi ConradM, 

I'm agree with you. What I don't understand is How to do it. Please, Have you any experience on it ?!?

The only documentation I can find is this page in the old Documentation, but I don't know if it is the right answer to my issue and it is really a little bit confused for me...

11 years ago
Level 3

Creating content languages is really easy, click on new and fill the form. Hover on labels for hints. 

11 years ago
Level 1

Please mark it as solved since you now know that the Multi Sites Language Selection uses Joomla Nativ Language files and Languages that are installed.


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi DirektSPEED, 

I'm testing during these days, as I'm sure all is clear I'll do it without any doubt :)

11 years ago
Level 1

Hi joomleb, Im replying here as you requested in this topic , I don't have any problem with language, I have enabled native multilanguage of joomla:

  • Create content language for each language installed (in my case spanish - english)
  • Filter Language Plugin enabled
  • In Seblod config: JText enabled

And that is all, for me works fine. You need define your language strings who you want use in your fields and labels, by default seblood inserts "CCK_" at the start of the naes you put in your fields.

Example: If you write "LABEL" you need specify the translation of that word in this way:

CCK_LABEL="A name for your label".

I add some extra strings too for use in templating and I call in my php in this way:

<?php   echo JText::_('MY_CUSTOM_STRING') ?>

I'm using a language file from my joomla template, but you can use the one from seblod. I tried make a new file only for my new strings but don't know how link this file in my template.

11 years ago
Level 2

is possible to use multisite using diferent shared hosting account or have to be all the multisite installation in the same account please can you give me a tip about that?

11 years ago
Level 3


your questions is not really able to be understood without making assumptions.

are you asking questions about single multisite or many mutlisites.

the question would indicate you do not understand how multisite works - maybe read up on in old v2 site


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