152 Posts
11 years ago

Hi Seblod Community,

this is something i could not solve by myself. I have created two sites with Seblods Multisite feature. Now i have two new admins, but here is the problem: Each admin have access to the user settings of the other one. For example admin1 can change password, mail etc. of admin2. But this is not the behavior i want. I know that i could disallow both admins to make any changes on users at all. But i want to give my admins the possibility to change there own user settings without having access to the other ones.

So i am little confused about this. Am i missing here something?

best regards


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548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Neco, 

sorry for my later. I'm agree with you and confirm you that I tested and I replied this issue.

Right now have you found any solution on it ?

152 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Emiliano,

unfortunately i could not find a solution :( Also i had to quit my multisite project because there are too many barriers. Without doubt Seblod is one of the best Joomla Extensions, but i think Multisite feature is something which should be solved by the Joomla Core team in future. 

kind regards

11 years ago
Level 1

Hi, I believe this is not a problem SEBLOD, but the ACL configuration of Joomla. First of all, Super Users have full access to the site, so if that administrators are Super Users is impossible to limit anything. Then you would use the Administrator group for example, and deny access to component User Manager.

11 years ago
Level 1


have been using seblod multisites for while and generally works OK within framework provided.

the product is developing, and free, so patience is required.

the limitation on amount of sub domains is main issue that prevents our use sometimes.

learning curve is time consuming to understand this fairly complex system.

you could also try processwire or drupal if looking for multisites, we use these two as well.

152 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi folks,


thank you for your advice. But i would like to give my admins the possibility to change at least there own user settings. So to deny the access is maybe not the best solution. 


thx a lot for the hint, i heard about processwire a couple times, i will check it when i find more time. Is it multisite capable in the core version or do i need some kind of extension for it? And of course drupal is also an interesting CMS which i would like to give a chance.

By the way please dont get me wrong. I am a huge fan of Seblod as CCK, it is the best. And not only because it is the only "real" CCK for Joomla :) But in my opinion, multisite in Joomla/Seblod is in general a little bit tricky.

May i ask you why your agency uses Joomla+Seblod in multisite projects if you could also use drupal? Isn`t it a better solution for ms?

kind regards

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