6 years ago


I'm making a multy-language website and wonder about new Seblod feature multy-language aliases which was mentioned in the Seblod blog:

Then, a great feature that may please those who create multi-language sites is multi-language aliases (Search Types > Configuration). It means we can specify a different alias for each language within a single article ! Sounds great, right ?!
Example: domain.com/en/products/my-product-01 and domain.com/fr/produits/mon-produit-01 for the same content item.

Could anyone explain more detaily about this cool new feature?  For example I want to have 3 languge on my website - English, Russian and Chinese, then how to deal with new fields such as art_alias_en, should I create new fields like art_alias_ru and art_alias_cn?

Thanks for any help! 

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