8 years ago

So, apologies in advance for a very basic question...

I have a basic list with a number of tick boxes as search options. The idea is that by clicking several tick boxes you get a rather long list of items... but in fact what happens is the opposite. The problem is that the criteria for inclusion is that each article needs to have each ticked option in its repertoire, so to speak. It should be enough that one of the selected options are included in the article.

Any ideas on how to resolve this? Suspect its a very basic setting somewhere that i simply cannot find ;)

Thanks in advance!

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1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Hi Filip

Disclaimer: I am not a search guru.

Maybe this could be the one:

Search Operator

Not sure though has never properly delved in to the land of search yet.


154 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Filip, it sounds like you are using a checkbox field and searching on the tick boxes right?

What is your MATCH for the field set to? Have you tried ANY WORDS?

8 years ago
Level 3

Thanks for the replies!

Yes, I am using checkbox fields, and they are already set to "Any Words". That was the first thing I tried :(

Know Ive managed to solve it before, as another search search page doesnt have the same problem... so feeling a bit retarded. 

Any other tips?

154 Posts
8 years ago
Level 4

You may want to check things like the SEPARATOR VALUE,  you should also try Any Words Exact and edit the options (+) (Quoted/Unquoted).

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