64 Posts
7 years ago


It's there a way to override featured articles from joomla template not seblod template ? I want to use featured sistem because don't flood my server with queries. I have to display in frontend more than 300 unites with title, image and some details... and for doing this my website has to load more than i use featured item.

I've checked this with pingdom tool... and i have with featured loading time ~5s and with content list ~15s.

Or it's there a way to display a list of all articles with some fields that i want without search and list ( many queries )...?

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64 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Can anyone give me a solution for this problem ? I tried with pagination infinity load but after 3-4 refreshing website, i get a page with "Forbidden access ( Flooding ) .. i think it's a protection from server. 

How to display a list of more than 300 items without too much queries... I don't understand why search list load more slow than a list of featured/blog listing default joomla.

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2


Are you really sure the seblod search is that much slower than joomla natbi search?

Anyhow, so joomla overrides apply.

html/com_content etc or whatever is 

I did an override, removed everything except the variable that outputs the content, so got rid of all author stuff etc, images, and use Seblod view to render what I wanted.

So you need to decide what yo want in your override - native output and seblod output.

For lists ie featured articles you will use intro view as far as I understand it though have never done that.

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

It is not lcear form your post whether you would like to override joomla template, there is plenty info on the google regarding that, or yre you asking how to make searches faster. For second you can try enabling list caching in list settings. Also I would recommend you change your hosting provider, 300 items on a page are not exactly a large number and if your hosting can't deal with that it should be replaced.

64 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

@Bucklash I'm really sure. I used tool.pingdom to test the speed of both. Btw: i found a solution to add load more with click button and add only 100 items with click to load more... but seems the button doen't work well ( see this post: Seblod load more click ) 

I did create a default_item.php in html/com_content/featured but i have a problem with intro text :( ... it display full text not intro. I tried to strip this but 0 results..

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