1283 Posts
7 years ago

Hi folks

Can I confirm:

Is this field only able to pull values when the module is actually in a position outside of the content.

i.e. you can not pull values when the module is placed within the content itself with a Seblod Module field or with Form and List pack.

I have tried showing a form, I can pull values from the uri but SD Live CCK Field only pulls values when it is placed outside of the content.

May seem obvious when you know, but at first glance seem like where it is placed might not matter.

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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

It matters as module that is placed in content gets rendered at the same time as the rest of the fields while modules outside content area always render after content and since can get value from it.

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Make sense


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