151 Posts
1 year ago

Hello, I'm trying to install the last Seblod version (pkg_seblod_4.0.2.Release.Preview.8) into a Joomla! 4.2.8 Stable, but I get this error message:

JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL 42S22, 1054, Unknown column 'language' in 'field list' Extension installation aborted. Package Install: There was an error installing an extension: com_cck.zip danger Error installing package

Does anybody know what could be the problem?


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16 Posts
1 year ago
Level 1

Yes I also have the problem. It is a disaster.

2 Posts
1 year ago
Level 2

HI, I have the same issue. I didn't see this post and have unfortunately opened a new one.

Best regards

1 year ago
Level 1


And no responses from teh SEBLOD administrators ?

151 Posts
1 year ago
Level 1


I don't know if it should be done in another way, but I managed to install Seblod 4, installing version 4.0.0 first and then 4.0.2. I hope someone else finds this useful. Greetings

1 year ago
Level 2

English (Anglais)

Thank you very much for your solution here on the Forum.
The Seblod administrators and technicians are not really very active in answering questions.

I'd rather read answers to questions from them than to see an advertising and political message about Ukraine... Even if we agree on these political aspects (and maybe I do... maybe I don't...), the forum should refrain from talking about topics outside of Seblod's functional and technical issues, right?
If someone started talking politics in a post what would the moderators do? So please! If this is within your competence, answer the questions asked...

In short, could this forum become a bit more professional from the editors so that it feels like real help and customer service?

Français (French)

Merci beaucoup pour votre solution ici sur le Forum.
Les administrateurs et techniciens Seblod ne sont pas vraiment très actifs pour répondre aux questions.

Je préfèrerai lire des réponses aux questions venant de leur part plutôt que de voir un message publicitaire et politique sur l'Ukraine... Même si nous sommes d'accord sur ces aspects politiques (et je le suis peut-être... peut-être pas...), le forum devrait s'abstenir de parler de sujets en dehors des problèmes fonctionnels et technique de Seblod non ?
Si une personne commençait parler politique dans un post que feraient les modérateurs ? Alors s'il vous plait ! Si ceci entre dans vos compétences, Répondez aux questions posées...

Bref, ce forum pourrait-il devenir un peu plus professionnel de la part des éditeurs de façon à sentir une véritable aide et service client ?

13 Posts
1 year ago
Level 2

Thanks for sharing this solution. It helped me get 4.0.3 installed on Joomla 4.3.1. I used pkg_seblod_4.0.0.Release.Preview.1b first (through multiple warnings), then installed the latest version straight over this. Glad to be able to get it working as I have a project that Seblod will be perfect for

1 year ago
Level 1


Issue fixed with 4.0.3 package.


16 Posts
1 year ago
Level 2

For this then comes this!

Unknown column 'language' in 'field list' Paket Installieren: Bei der Installation der Erweiterung trat ein Fehler auf: com_cck.zip

Tests that also times one

1 Post
3 months ago
Level 1

Hello everyone, I’ve been facing the same issue while trying to install Seblod (pkg_seblod_4.0.2.Release.Preview.8) on Joomla! 4.2.8, getting the error message: 

JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL 42S22, 1054, Unknown column 'language' in 'field list'. 

After investigating, I manually added the missing columns in the table xxx_cck_core_fields, and it resolved the issue. Here’s what I did: 

1.) Added the language column: 

ALTER TABLE `xxx_cck_core_fields` ADD `language` VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL DEFAULT '*'; 

2.) Added the storage_filter column: 

ALTER TABLE `xxx_cck_core_fields` ADD `storage_filter` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL; 

3.)Added the storage_key column: 

ALTER TABLE `xxx_cck_core_fields` ADD `storage_key` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL; 

4.)Added the versionning column: 

ALTER TABLE `xxx_cck_core_fields` ADD `versionning` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; 

After running these SQL commands, Seblod was successfully installed and worked properly. Hopefully, this helps anyone facing similar issues!

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