248 Posts
6 years ago

Actually, when creating a link in a Joomla article to another Joomla article on the same site (SEF enabled, current router - not the experimental one), we write a link in the form:


(where the last piece with menuId can be avoided if there is a menu associated to the category). When rendering the page, the Joomla router will translate that link in a nice SEF URL like


Additional importante note: if we type the above URL in the browser without the <artAlias>, no problem: Joomla routes to the page as well, since the <artId> is enough for Joomla to target the content.


Now let's see how to create a link from a Joomla article to a Seblod article:


where <catId> is not there - if you add the categoryId, the resulting link is wrong. That is not a problem, just to know it.

The problem is that you need to write the <artAlias>: without the alias, the translated link becomes:


without the alias. Where is the problem? The problem is that Seblod, not like Joomla, with only the artId does not return the content, it throws a 404 error.

So if later on, you change the alias of the article (e.g. since you adapt the title), all the link pointing to that article get broken!

I see two options here:

  1. the index.php&option=com_cck... form should build a complete URL including the artAlias, as it happens with links to Joomla articles. If I am not wrong, Joomla seeing "com_cck" should pass the routing job to the component router, so it's up to Seblod to build a good SEF link?
  2. Seblod should return the page receiving only the artId without the alias and not throws 404, as Joomla does with its content.

What do you think?



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