9 years ago

I just installed Seblod on a fresh Joomla install.  If I go to create a new Seblod article, all the form fields like Category, Status, Featured, Access, Language, Alias, Robots, etc have regular browser dropdowns.  I believe they're all supposed to be using a javascript plugin called Chosen to format them.  Is there a reason Seblod disables them all?  There's no javascript errors.  If I go to create a regular Joomla article it all displays fine.

(Edit: My goal was to start off using Seblod where Joomla leaves off, and with the solutions I found I think I'm pretty well there.)



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9 years ago
Level 1

I just noticed that the Seblod articles have no tooltips for any of the field labels either - all are gone.  There's no class="hasToolTip" or any tooltip data at all.

9 years ago
Level 1

Ok, it took a few references but I found out how to add the base Joomla 'Chosen' functionality back to all the fields.

1. Add a hidden field to an unused position (I assume so that the position will not be ignored otherwise)

2. Create a position override according to here:


In my case it was /templates/seb_one/positions/article/admin/topbody.php

with the content:

// No Direct Access
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die;

Now I feel I'm back to a good starting point that's like Joomla starts with.  Nice system Seblod is so far - cool stuff.


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