9 years ago

I use BT Social Share Plugin Version 2.3.11 so visitors an a article on Facebook, Twitter, etc. to share.

With Seblod articles the plugin works so far. But it will be taken over the Seblod typical placeholder.

With the Place app but only the placeholder is applied and the title of the menu (Home) and a picture of the menu item or any image was using on the page. (orange field)

Does anyone know of a compatible plugin that I can use or has anyone ever changed this plugin so it works? Can anyone give a hint what I can customize any?



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4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

First make sure seblod conent plugin comes before any other content plugin including BT Social Share, same with any system plugins.

9 years ago
Level 1

Yes Klas, the Seblod-Plugin is on first place.

i have seen the Twitter-Button works. On Facebook and G+ i have the Placeholders in Front of text.

4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

another thing to check is if BT has an option to run content plugins.

9 years ago
Level 1

Ohhh shit time-token. two times i write this answer and the forum kicks me out... grrrrr

OK. The BT Pluging works.

But some seblod entrys works and some selblod entrys shows the placeholders. i don´t know why... 

i must digging in the dirt ;)


No, on Seblod-Article the Plugin Placeholders are visible in Front. On my Place-App i thin its work but this App use not the Snipped-Field.

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