215 Posts
11 years ago

Dear Seblod Team

I'm supposed to create an eshop for  my client and really love the SEBLOD solution presented on your blog. It's absolutelly GREAT.

I'm using seblod for every website  so I would love to use seblod eCommerce app for this as well ofcourse.

Is there a chance to buy that app for my project :) ?



Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1
Hi Michal,

Thank you for your kind feedback. :)
SEBLOD eCommerce add-on will be available sometime next year, but we haven't decided yet how / and when will come this offer.

We will let you know as soon as we have more details.

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2
Hi Saba,
I still hope in a HikaShop / HikaMarket integration Add-on mentioned there 10 months ago and discussed here in Seblod Forum...
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Saba

Just checking back to see if there is any news on a e-commerce / cart function?

215 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1
Hi. Thanks for the info, Saba.
Joomleb is right. I was waiting for HikaShop/Seblod solution too. My client is really pushing me to work on the website so I can't wait any longer.

Can anybody recommend the best ecommerce solution I could use today for:

- Joomla/ Seblod powered website
- Multilingual description of eshop products (very important- I could not to manage this in Virtuemart - my client wants just a custom textarea field for each language product description)

Thanks so much for your ideas

11 years ago
Level 1

We also were waiting for this addon. We are currently building a mutlti language site with Seblod and Hikashop (we no longer work with virtuemart). With a standard Seblod we can manipulate hikashop fields/tables but the integration is almost non existent. For the hikashop translations we use Falang.

I still believe a seblod native ecommerce solution would be great but it doesn' t seem to be for a near future. If only we could gather our strenghts and contribute to seblod with Octopoos, things would be different I guess.

I believe being an editor and still make a living of building sites are two different activites with almost contradictory objectives. Look at what Dries Buytaert (the guy who invented Drupal) did: he gave its 'baby' to the comunity but is still the leader of Drupal and makes his living from his own activities. With a real community seblod but still managed by Octopoos we could make the cck and Joomla much better and much faster I believe. I'm sure there are a couple of companies who could invest time in this.

Of course that's only my opinion.


10 years ago
Level 1
i´am actually planning to implent a shop in a website - Hikashop seems to be the best solution so far. But i also use seblod cck a lot and i heard the rumors about the e-commerce plugin, that will become avalaible through the seblod team.

My question is, would the plugin base on the hikashop e-commerce system or would it be a standalone solution within seblod.

Best regards

52 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Sebastian,

If you look at the Seblod Product pages with devtools or firebug, you can see the classes "com_content" and "view_article" on body element of the pages. So, like any other Seblod app, Seblod ecommerce app on this site is extending Joomla content component and is not based on any other ecommerce component.

Hihashop is a commercial product and they have various versions. If you want to be able to add extra fields to product pages you have to buy the most expensive version. So, I don't think they will allow Seblod or any other software bypass their paid offer to extend functionality of Hikashop.

10 years ago
Level 3
Hi Melih,

thanks for your quick reply, as you had said on your coment above, there is just these standard class (i also had a view with firebug on it :) - anyways i was not sure about it, because there are not so much informations avalaible about the new e-commerce plugin/ addon from seblod.

It would be good to know, when this e-commerce addon will be avalaible through seblod... because i think seblod in general is more versatile instead of Hikashop...

Thank you again for the information Melih.

43 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi guys.

I'm about to begin a Joomla eCommerce-project. If anybody have any news about this topic, please share it. I would LOVE to use Seblod to build my first eCommerce site :)
10 years ago
Level 2

Before we get the seblod commerce extension you can use existing joomla plugins that work with articles... then with any seblod content.

For example we use the J2Store plugin that allows you to create e-commerce sites with Seblod contents. With this plugin you can have the cart and the payment tunnel you need.

We used it on a project we are finishing. We didn't want to use complete solutions such as Hikashop since we didn't want to have our contents elsewhere from the content base.

Of course there are limitations but J2store allowed us to get 95% of the job done with minimal efforts. Again this is a great feature of Seblod to extend the native joomla content. It allows us to use any third party content plugins.

215 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi Cyril.  Thanks for the post.
I was considering J2store as well. The idea is fantastic. I even succesfully and easily integrated the cart options to the seblod form. Finally I coud not use it as J2store does not support frontend managment which was a requirement from my client

Finally I gave up with seblod/ecommerce solution, purchased MijoShop and we are quite happy with that...
43 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi, thanks for the tip.

I actually considered J2Store. Maybe I will give it a go. I dont want to mess up the install with a large eCommerce component just to put out a couple of products. No frontend-editing is a bummer though.

But until a Seblod solution comes along J2Store will probably work just fine.
10 years ago
Level 4
At Pulsar we patched J2store to allow the front end edition !
Just a couple of lines and ... bingo ! 

43 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5
Sweet. Release it as a plugin then :D
I guess it was more then a couple of lines. But good to know that it works!
10 years ago
Level 6
look at the file  plugins/content/j2store/j2store.php

on line 172 just comment the block: 
if($app->isSite()) {
return true;

now you can edit and create products in the front end. Of course you have to build your seblod content accordingly. 

43 Posts
10 years ago
Level 7
Wow, thanks. I will try this out. I'm not a programmer, but that should be doable :)
4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

as far as I'm aware hikashop and virtuemart integrations were done, but they need some updates according to the develoepers. They should be available soon.
10 years ago
Level 2

Those integrations were announced years ago and were said to be droped by Octopoos in favor of the upcomming seblod ecommerce. 

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3


waiting news from Seblod Team about "what's happened", I have to say that right now you can already have some kind of integration between Seblod and HikaShop without any specific integration and here is how to do it:

a. Create your products in HikaShop
b. Create your content in Seblod and configure Seblod to display your content on your website.
c. Add HikaShop product tags in your Seblod content in order to have add to cart buttons there:
d. That's it. You now have add to cart buttons in Seblod which will direct to the HikaShop checkout to handle the payment while the display of the products/categories on your website is handled completely by Seblod.

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