42 Posts
11 years ago

Ahoy all!

("Ahoy" is - beside being known as how sailors greeting a ship - a Czech word that can be used as "hello" as well as "bye", comparable to italian "ciao" oder bavarian "servus". Beside this, it's an almost identifying intro of all of my Mails an posts. :) )

I've installes a multilingual Joomla 2.5.11 for demo purposes under http://seblod.domain13.de/, meaning almost each and every contents is available in bot English and German and alle the menu options are linked to their translations in the other language. 

Everythig works smooth and nicely as it should be.

Then I installed seblod to demonstrate multisite feature. 

Joomla: 2.5.11

Seblod:: 3.1.3

I defined a site for URL http://ms1.domain13.de/ with different Homepage, Different Language, Different Template.

Everythig still works smooth and nicely as it should be.

No, not everything.
The defined site nicely took care of language and template and every other setting i made ... except one: ... the homepage.
No matter how I changed other settings, Seblod obstinately insisted on showing the site's default page instead of the chosen one.

I have deactivated and reactivated Joomla!'s internal SEO after finding out that it doesn't make any difference.
It needed to deactivate the "Language Filter" plugin to make Seblod taking care of this setting parameter "Homepage".

Is this a known bug or issue? Or is it even a feature? Or is it me who is just the "Raspberry Tony on the Strawberry farm" (a german saying for being completely off the track)?

Thanks in Advance for reading my post, for taking some time to think about it and for - hopefully - writing me an - hopefully helpful - answer. :-)

Kind regards,


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11 years ago
Level 1


with j311 and s313 have encountered some problems with multisites and home page.

with some templates selecting the homepage, usually a logo will take you back to the main homepage, and not the sub-domain page.

have not examined yet, however never had the problem with seblod 2.5+.

at this stage have just not used the template had issue with.


42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2


No, i don't have the least problem with templates at all. Seblod just works fine with picking the template I set in the configuration of a site. Beside this i do not and will not work with J3.1 on this partcular case. I use J2.5 only.

My really one and only problem is that a defined site with a homepage does not show the selected homepage that i have set in the configuration. But it shows the normal Joomla!'s default homepage instead.

I still wonder why and how i can fix this.

Thanks in advance for any helpful answer!

Kind regards, 


548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi IBeRKa,

take a look if it is the same problem I had here 

or the issues I posted here 

and let us know... :)

42 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

No, I don't think that those have the sam issue.

Again: all works perfectly with my J2.5. and my SB 3.1.3 - except this one point, that Seblod ignores the setting, where i chose a certain menu option as starting page for a multisite - but it ignores this one setting only, when I have acitvated "Language Filter" plugin.

Is there no way to use Joomla mulitlanguage and Seblod multisite the same time on the same installation? :(

11 years ago
Level 3

I had the same issue.

Assigning the site's appropriate access level to the article and menu solved it for me.
Also make sure that this menu module is not disabled in the menu assignment.

After making these changes I set the start page once again - and it works now, with "multi language" enabled.

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