11 years ago

Is it possible to use Seblod only as a "database handler"? For example to store information about customers, without using articles?

Or is an article necessary for Seblod to work?

If so... Is it possible to store most of the fields in database tables - or would that slow down the Seblod performance?

(Why would I prefer this? For example if we make an application later on from scratch, we still can access all data fields directly from db).

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1


you may wish to look at the option of using separate tables for seblod fields.

this allows fields to be grouped together in a independent table, could be accessed by an app, and seblod compliant.

Your question is not clear.

188 Posts
11 years ago
Level 1

change the Object Form for Free
the data are not articles!
To see any data, you will have to create lists!

11 years ago
Level 1


First, welcome to the Seblod community.  Hope you stick around and become a helpful member of the forums. There are way to many people that just seem to lurk. With so many people downloading the system and so few posts going unanswered, it just baffles me to see the amount of participation.  There is no way people are downloading Seblod and just delving right in without questions. 

As for your question, what you're describing is EXACTLY how I use Seblod.  Though, I think you're just misunderstanding the "articles" .

Don't think of "articles" created by your application's as Joomla articles.  Think of them as Records. The "article" is just a way of FINDING it in the Joomla framework.  Without using an "article" you would not be able to see your table data unless you created a search / list. 

I know where your mindset is cause it confused me at first as well.  I'm used to building db applications in Access so I was looking for a way to build an application with that "platform" flow and Seblod can do it.  You just need to associate what you know with how it's used here.

  • Think of Seblod / Joomla combination as Access or similar DB application.
  • Content Types = Categories - Ways to classify similar data types.  I consider this as my Table Type.
  • Articles = Individual Records - Use the Article Title field make a readable field. Otherwise you will get a timestamp as the record title
  • Seblod Forms = Unlike in Access, Seblod forms do two things at once. It creates a table AND the User Interface.  When you create a form, it creates a new table with your form name.  Most fields (unless you're using Joomla reference fields) are columns in that table. Joomla referenced fields (ie: j_user) are stored elsewhere.  When you enter data, it goes into a new record (called an "article") in THAT table.
  • Search / Lists = Reports. Any report you want to create, the search and lists should be able to pull it up. 

I hope this was what you were talking about...otherwise I just rambled.

Oh, and if you really want to keep your Seblod created application / forms separate from Joomla's tables then when you create each form, you simply need to change the "Object" dropdown (found by pressing the little down arrow on your form designer / editor window at the top) from Article to Free. However, using it with Articles makes everything a hell of a lot easier to find. 

Here is a screenshot to help

Hope this helps.


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