5 years ago


Once we install the TAG object  (https://www.seblod.com/store/extensions/48650) no new field is created. 

If we want to alter the joomla tag there is no interface. I'm sure I'm missing something here  but if I want to create a seblod list on tags the wizzard doesn't propsoe me the tag object. 

In other words the "Core Content Type" doesn't propose the tag object.

I checked the tag storage location plugin is activated.

If we go to the TAG component and click NEW we remain in the com_tag component instead of com_cck

Thanks for your enlightment !


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4229 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

With tag object you can set content type and field storage to tag, which in practice means you can add/edit/delete tags, search on tags etc. Object is just a storage option (Standard-Tags-somecolumn), you need to create fields and content types yourself - to be able to search you first need to create a content type.

5 years ago
Level 1

Hi K

Thanks. This I understood it already: I created a content type based on the TAG object with some fields mapping the existing tag table.

my concern is that neither from the article manager nor in the native tag manager can I create new tags derived from this seblod enhanced definition.

the screenshot attached here shows that there must be some TAG integration somewhere in the joomla interface but I can't find it. Hence my question about how can I create these new tags I defined in SEBLOD

thanks for your help.


4229 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

I would suggest you report this on tracker, I am not aware how this is supposed to work, so it is hard to judge whether it is ok or not

5 years ago
Level 1

Hi Cyril,

currently, the integration is not fully implemented in the backend, so you have to create your own "Tag Manager" with a SEBLOD List & Search + a button "Add New".  


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