1 Post
9 years ago

Hi All,

We would like to make a website for Unicode books for online reading and will provide doc and pdf files for downloading as well. We have around 1000 books currently and it will increase over time in future and need your help in making structure on how to build. 

For example, one idea is to place the complete book within one Editor field which will have everything cover to cover. This is not neat. As there are books with several hundred pages and also tagging on selected topics would not be possible.

Another idea is to make separate forms for each chapter and then link all separate chapters through one main form. I dont know how will it work though. 

The features required are:

1. Automatic table of contents generation

2. Tagging for each article / chapter

3. Favorite / Read Later for each articles/chapter for registered users

4. search within specific book

5. pagination controllable by users


Have anyone does that? Any app already exists? Can someone please throw some light how to structure such website?

Get a Book for SEBLOD
37 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hello shakir,

You should create :

  • 2 content type :
    • 'Book'
    • 'Chapter' with an hidden field 'Book_ID'

In the view of Book, you could display a list of all chapters with this and/or this or this and this.

Idem for search inside a book by using this with a hidden field book_id.

For favorite and read later :


Good luck

Get a Book for SEBLOD