11 years ago

I use Gavick News on a Joomla 3.1 site and the Redactor JS-editor (because it's slim - and it's also used here on this forum).
But I have a problem - the cursor is centered (like text align: center) when I'm about to write an article.

Unfortunately I have no settings to make for the Redactor-editor. So I assume I'll have to make some override in the editor.css for GK News. But what and how?

Thankful for some help...

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

It seem to be (according to Firebug) in the /media/cck/css/cck.admin.css

div.cck_forms.cck_site div.cck_form.cck_form_wysiwyg_editor {
text-align: center;

But I can't understand why...

Could I just change the text-align to left in this css - or would something else be "fucked up"? :)

152 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2


in general you should not change any css-file. Because with the next update it could be overwritten. Use your own templates css-file. There you can override everything you want. Sometimes you may need "!important" for example if the corresponding css-file loads after yours :)

kind regards

11 years ago
Level 3

Okey Pixelneco... But how/where should this be done? Isn't the (Joomla) template file editor.css supposed to work for this?

152 Posts
11 years ago
Level 4

Hi casino83,

sorry for the late answer, but i have a very exhausting project these days :(

This is the way i do, which does not mean, it is the right way :)

I always duplicate the default Admintemplate and make my custom template for the backend. For any override i use the template.css inside the admintemplate.

For any frontend override, i use the standard tempate.css in my template folder. Again, i would not recommend to change the css-file(s) of any extension.

kind regards

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