31 Posts
8 years ago

Dear SEBLOD Family,

When I upgrade a perfectly functional 3.8.4 site to 3.10.0, the admin form for one of my content types throws up the common "Oops! Try to close the page & re-open it properly" error. However, all the other content types are fine. Closing and re-opening, clearing cache etc. does not help.

This content type happens to be based on a User content type which may be relevant to solving this.

I have recreated the error on a cloud server where I have increased the memory and input variables limits. The error does not seem to be related to this.

Can anyone suggest what else the issue might be?

Warm regards

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Is this happening in the content type administration or when admin form is used? If it is the second, try opening content type -  form tab and save it again

31 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas,

Thanks for your response.

It happens in the content type administration, and only for this particular content type (the many others are fine). The only difference with this one is that it a user based content type, so I can only suspect that this is where things might be going wrong. Saving again does not help.

I have recreated the error over 6 times now on various configurations with additional resources.


4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Check your php log if you get any errors (errors should also be visible in console in Firebug/Developers tools), it shoudl tell you what is wrong.

In one occasion user had to enable missing php extensions


31 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Thanks Klas. In the console I get the following error output:

GET http://dev.sessa.org.za/administrator/index.php?option=com_cck&view=type&layout=edit2&format=raw&id=47&client=admin&layer=fields&_=1480503361562 500 (Unknown column 'Array' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT DISTINCT a.id, a.title, a.name, a.folder, a.type, a.label FROM #__cck_core_fields AS a LEFT JOIN #__cck_core_folders AS b ON b.id = a.folder WHERE a.published = 1 AND b.published = 1 AND ( (a.storage_table NOT LIKE "#__cck_store_form_%" OR a.storage_table ="#__cck_store_form_sessa_corporate_member") OR (a.name IN (Array))) AND a.id NOT IN (110682,428,110719,110657,110656,110655,110654,110646,110606,110677,427,110644,110674,110675,110676,110673,110589,110604,110603,110611,110617,110612,110688,312,311,422,310,309,110619,110620,433,110598,110683,430,110690,110679,431,110632,110678,110643,110680,434,110689,110645,110625,110647,110684,110583) AND a.folder = 37 GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.title ASC)send @ jquery.min.js:4ajax @ jquery.min.js:4ajaxLayer @ cck.backend-3.9.0.min.js:3(anonymous function) @ cck.backend-3.9.0.min.js:3i @ jquery.min.js:2fireWith @ jquery.min.js:2ready @ jquery.min.js:2K @ jquery.min.js:2Text

31 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

In addition, I get the following in the apache error log:

PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in /var/............../administrator/components/com_cck/views/type/view.raw.php on line 129, referer: http://............/administrator/index.php?option=com_cck&view=type&layout=edi$

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 4


try installing 3.10 again

31 Posts
8 years ago
Level 5

Hi Klas,

Sadly, that didn't work. I tried installing 3.10.0 three times over itself with no errors each time. But the content type admin still gave me the "Oops" error on all 3 occasions.

31 Posts
8 years ago
Level 6

Well, no luck on this one then. I've gone and recreated the offending (and quite complex) content type from scratch. Will be sweating profusely with future SEBLOD upgrades henceforth ;)

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