11 years ago

I just updated Seblod 2 to 3.1.1 on a Joomla 2.5.11 website (in a testing environment). I experience several issues. One of them is that the user-edit form doesn't save. I get redirected from the form (index.php?option=com_cck&view=form&layout=edit&type=user&id=1813&Itemid=361) to this page /component/cck/. 

What I tried (without success)

  • I 'played' with the redirection options in 'configuration' for my user-content type without success. 
  • I checked all content in and did a Joomla database fix
  • Opened and saved my user-content type

Some details

  • The menu-item is the standard Joomla 'edit user profile' item. 
  • The content in the form shows. 
  • The form action tag contains 'action="/component/cck/"'. 
  • The bottom hidden-form-tags are: 

type="hidden" id="task" name="task" value="" />
type="hidden" id="myid" name="id" value="1813" />
type="hidden" name="return" value="" />
type="hidden" name="config[type]" value="user" />
type="hidden" name="config[stage]" value="-1" />
type="hidden" name="config[skip]" value="0" />
type="hidden" name="config[url]" value="http://dev.mywebsite.org/index.php" />
type="hidden" name="config[id]" value="697" />
type="hidden" name="config[itemId]" value="361" />
type="hidden" name="config[unique]" value="" />
type="hidden" name="796c9a12cdb0c646ca72c777ae44fa56" value="1" />
All worked like a charm before. 

Help would be much appreciated. TIA

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi everyone.

I got the same problem after the last update, i had to "force" seblod to read joomla user previously created ( like the 1st super admin ), editing its data on my sql, because the options to force seblod form edit link is not working too!... but its still don't edit or create a new user. Even ajax validation is not working anymore.

Its a critical situation

11 years ago
Level 1

Same for me. 

Same with the update, same with the critical situation.

11 years ago
Level 1

Hi guys,

It seems that you have a javascript/jquery conflict on your forms..

Can someone share a link please?



11 years ago
Level 2

Tnx for looking into this. I set up an online testing environment in order to be able to share a link.

Url: http://s3.imigo.nl/
username: user
password: user01

Once you log in you'll be redirected to the edit form of the users profile. 

Trying to save the form will show you my problem. New data simply isn't processed. TIA for your time. 

215 Posts
11 years ago
Level 3

I believe this is normally a permissions issue if the public is allowed to create a user profile and edit their own. See permissions link in the Configuration tab within your Content type.

11 years ago
Level 2

I donwloaded the joomla 2.5.11 and seblod 3.1.1 and users can't register at all.

I get data integrity error.

So, how could it be a javascript problem?

11 years ago
Level 2

Shame on me - in the end it WAS a javascript / JQuery conflict! I didn't trace the source yet. 

@cubist - true, but I tested this by logging in as a super administrator - that one shouldn't have issues, but it dit. 

Quick test for others to find out if they are dealing with a conflict: 

Add the extension 'JQuery Easy' to your site: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/core-enhancements/performance/jquery-scripts/18327. The only configuration I did to test was to  set the 'Enable jQuery' value from 'none' to 'Jquery'.

My issue is solved. Tnx everyone for thinking along. 

Still need to find the source of the issue now since I prefer not to add an extension for this (for maintenence and security reasons). 

11 years ago
Level 1

I found the answer too:

It results that (I didn't know) seblod needs mootools core to save a form, and it needs a script for submit it.

So I had to add mootools libraries (too bad, too much .js in my template, and hard to minify everything and put it in) and the inline script to my form

<script type="text/javascript">

JCck.Core.submit = function(task) { 

var formulario = jQuery("#seblod_form");

if (formulario.validationEngine("validate",task) === true) { 

if (formulario.isStillReady() === true) {


Joomla.submitform("save", document.getElementById("seblod_form")); 



11 years ago
Level 2

Tnx for sharing! 

About the submit button - isn't adding a field-type: 'submit button' enough to your content type? Or am I missing something? While testing some new content type in my case - I simply forgot to add the submit-button. 

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