55 Posts
Olek T.
4 years ago


I've noticed that for a few months there is no support by Seblod staff anymore on this forum (or am I missing something?). I'm not the whiney type, you know, but I watch this forum and I'm more and more concerned. People have problems here which remain unanswered. I have (still!) fundamental problem with links generated by Seblod, which I described here: https://www.seblod.com/community/forums/general-discussions/link-to-content-view

I don't like bumping, but it's been 3 months already. I've done everything I could, I described the problem with every possible detail and... nothing. Still my links look horrible and nobody cares. And creating article blogs with Seblod (instead of Joomla native one) is one of its most important features, isn't it.

Please let us know what's going on, because if you plan to abandon this great CCK (hopefully not!), many of us will be in deep trouble and will have to convert to another CCK, which sounds like a nightmare at this point.



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248 Posts
4 years ago
Level 1

+1, also Issues and PR in the GitHub get no feedback

4 years ago
Level 1


SEBLOD is continuously evolving even if we don't publish a public release every time. 

SEBLOD will continue for many years and will be stronger and stronger.

SEBLOD is planed to run on Joomla 4 and we will come back to you on this topic (at this time always no stable version of Joomla 4).


127 Posts
4 years ago
Level 2

This is absolutely good news. Thank you!! :-)

1283 Posts
4 years ago
Level 1

My way if summarising seblod:

it is for Octopoos,

You can use it, too.

There is a community forum for the community to help each other . The community is either very small or very unwilling to help each other :)

You gotta get deep into seblod to be able to use it.

Documentation is hit and miss (more miss really).

Product labelling and descriptions are minimal and not really helpful.

You are on your own with a bit of help here and there. 
Might sound harsh but it is the case.

If you can get your head round it then you will have a powerful tool at your disposal, and you probably will need to create your own plugins at some point to extend and customise certain features

55 Posts
Olek T.
4 years ago
Level 2

Well, yes and no. Yes - forums like this (free, no subscription required) are for community to help each other. And no - because sometimes the main problem is not how to find a solution, but to check if Seblod's core functions are working properly (and where's the culprit when you can't make it to work). And if it's not - it's time for the staff to come in and save the day.

Anyway - it's good to know Seblod isn't being put to sleep.



248 Posts
4 years ago
Level 2

Bucklash's experience is more or less also mine. Seblod is probably the most potentially powerful CCK for Joomla, I also combine it with Sourcerer by Regular Labs to add php code here and there, e.g. in Typography which is very handy.

Community support and documentation is unfortunately not good, till about a year ago we had Klas for support that was very useful. It would be useful to have someone like him, though I know it'd be a free "service". For documentation, I think we as users might contribute to documentation with our experience if possible.

The other point I would love to see is feedback in Github: some of us spend time to document issues or prepare PR to fix/enhance the code but there is almost no feedback and it's a pity because this participation might be beneficial for Seblod progress by the users' base.

Just my feedback


82 Posts
Pet Guardian
4 years ago
Level 3

I feel the same as Bucklash and Giuse.  I really like the product, but I am very disappointed in the lack of help from anyone in the forums.  And don't get me started on the documentation.  I hope this improves, but am not hopeful after using it for 2 years and still having problems for which I am not getting any help.

127 Posts
4 years ago
Level 1

Very sad, comments like the ones from Pet Guardian. - @Seblod and the community: Would it be possible to open a Slack or Discord Channel to simplify and improve communication?

4 years ago
Level 1

Hello everybody,

Thanks for your comments that we share with you for the majority.

To let you know that we're trying to provide again free support on SEBLOD forum for next year.

Currently anybody can use our professional support service https://www.seblod.com/store/services, of course we know that it's not the solution for everyone due to the price. This service is high quality level about answer and reactivity.


548 Posts
4 years ago
Level 2

Hi Bes, 

- unfortunately I'm not a real programmer, we are organised by using freelancers when needed

- I love and loved SEBLOD

- this is really a 10 years ago old issue, here one (7 years ago) of my propose

- I tried everything during the years, from involving the community to contacting the SEBLOD team directly and several times, even via email. Always in a proactive way

- Things were improving with Klas steady help, to fall back again into total emptiness

- over time I have witnessed the abandonment, due to "fatigue", of many users who have been very helpful for long periods of time

- Simply SEBLOD has always appeared "as an extension left to itself"

- There is no quite any type of response also by posting directly on GitHub

- For sure the SEBLOD Support Services are something impracticable for us (for our customers)

- The result for me is that on last two years I didn't have the strength to uninstall SEBLOD, but I don't have the courage to use it anymore because at the first difficulty I would feel abandoned

I remain available and I'll stay tuned...

42 Posts
4 years ago
Level 3

Hello Joomleb!

I'm no programmer too, I'm trying to learn but that will be a 10 years journey, but I'm really interested in a group like you describe.

Let's try once again, I really believe in the message of Bes but we all know that a well documented tool is more convenient than a more powerful one.
There are really too many flaws in the actual stage, paid plugin with outdated, or missing, instructions, no demo at all to have a look and understand what any of these can really do.
It's not just a matter of resource and time, we can invest them, but we can't afford being left alone after starting a project.
I'd love a place where we can have a professional team that we can pay and involve in our projects, I know that we can have the professional support right here but sincerely it's too much a "closed box" and outside the reach of a non developer.
I mean, I totally respect the worth of the Devs time, but last time I had the chance to use it I was barely able to describe my problem.
Actually when I need something I'm used to pay some freelancer on upwork, but it's hard to find someone who really knows how seblod works.
As a matter of fact I'm actually better than most of the "qualified developer" that talk about expertise in seblod (just on upwork).
If we were in a team we could have an extended place where to discuss, but we all have to contribute in someway.
With money, with time, with support, with knowledge and patience.

It's the only we can avoid that damn feeling of being left alone with our unsolvable problem.


6 Posts
2 years ago
Level 1

Hello All,

First of all, Happy New Year for everyone!

Thank you Octopoos for this huge CCK, there is a lot of work involved, really!


unfortunately, I feel the same as the above forum members and SEBLOD users.

I can understand, that Octopoos is not really interested in the good manual and documentation for Seblod, 

just for business reasons.


the good documentation, manual are at least as important as the program code, the product itself.

If only there was a good manual for Seblod, that would be a huge help for everyone (maybe for a fair price).

There is a quite good online book for Seblod here, many thx for @time4mambo:


But this book is not complete either, because the author had to experience himself everything in Seblod, 

before he could write the book and there was problems, that he couldn't solve because the lack of good information.

Maybe a community written manual (like Wikipedia) would be a good solution for this documentation problem, 

or at least using the 

PHPDoc (PHPDocumentor) documentation application, 

across all of the Seblod's development lifecycle.

We are all together in the same SEBLOD boat....


82 Posts
Pet Guardian
1 year ago
Level 2

Unfortunately nothing has improved since this post was written.  SEBLOD 4 is not working correctly (counts are wrong, doesn't work with PHP 8.1 and above, etc) and now that Joomla 5 is ready, I dread what is going to happen to SEBLOD.

33 Posts
Marco Heinski
1 year ago
Level 2

Hey guys, 

With the new system adopted by Joomla of smaller and faster updates, my fear is that Seblod, as it stands, will not be able to achieve a fully stable version with the latest version of Joomla. 

Let's wait...

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