11 years ago

All I want is multi-site capability running on several sub-domains (en.mydomain.com, fr.mydomain.com, etc), but it seems so complicated and I just can't find any documentation of video for this. Is there a step by step guide or something?... Can someone please help?

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11 years ago
Level 1


11 years ago
Level 2

Thanks, it helped a little, but I still have a problem.

I have followed the multi-site instructions, created an additional Menu Item Type: Featured Articles, went to SEBLOD 3.x - Site Manager and added a Standard site with the home page for the additional language and stated the Url to be fr.mydomain.com.

Instead of going to fr.mydomain.com, it goes to en.mydomain.com/index.php/home-fr

What am I doing wrong?

11 years ago
Level 3

I just noticed at the bottom of the Multi-Site setup instructions a note stating I need to create a redirection of the main url (domain or sub-domain) to the root of your current Jooomla website via my hosting config panel.

1. So is that fr.mydomain.com  to redirect to  fr.mydomain.com/index.php/home-fr

or is it fr.mydomain.com/index.php/home-fr  to redirect to  fr.mydomain.com

2. Also, will this keep the fr.mydomain.com url in the browser address bar?

11 years ago
Level 1


if you are using mult-site and each sub-domain is a language it should not be to difficult.

you probably do not need the extra menu and this is complicating it.

try a single menu and for each page allocate it to a specific sub-domain user, this will determine which sub-domain it will display on.

be cautious how you use featured article.

there is some info in v2 which is shown above and this is very useful.

you are also restricted in the amount of sub-domains you can have - see v2 forum and do search of v3 forum.


11 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for replying, but still not working.

Part of the problem is no details on the htaccess redirects.
Also, I point each 'home' for each language to a separate sub-domain like fr.domain.com, but on the site it just goes to en.domain.com/home-fr  

So I've followed the multi-site guide as I said, but looks like that's not enough. I'm hoping someone out there can help more.

11 years ago
Level 3

the htaccess should not be an issue, no changes are necessary to make it work.

if you are using htaccess it can be setup as for normal joomla with rewrite.

you mention redirects - not sure why - not necessary.

here is link to apache setup from v2 http://www.seblod.com/v2/documentation/seblod-2x/multi-sites/1835-test-on-local-server.html

as an alternative subdomains can be setup as the alternate virtual server names for a domain.


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