Hello Everybody
In a multisite I want to change the text of "COM_USERS EMAIL PASSWORD_RESET BODY", no problem I do that in the substitution language.
The original text is : "Hello,\n\nA request has been made to reset your %s account password. To reset your password, you will need to submit this verification code in order to verify that the request was legitimate.\n\nThe verification code is %s\n\nSelect the URL below and proceed with resetting your password.\n\n %s \n\nThank you."
But : The 1st% s is the name of the site installation, but not the name of the site I am actually on. If
I remove this first% s, necessarily it shifts the rest of the message
and I have the site name instead of the verification code and the
verification code instead of the url. ...
Does anyone have a small solution or idea ?
The best solution for me being to have the name of the site on which I request the reset ;).
Best regards