187 Posts
6 years ago

Hi everybody,

i hope someone has a solution for a problem i just stumbled upon. I have a site with info from people from different cities. Sort of a directory. I created it with seblod. They can create an article in the category 'businesses'. I then create menu items with a list to articles that have a field created with lets say amsterdam as their city. The link becomes something like this: www.mydomain.com/amsterdam There is a list with companys from amsterdam. If you want to read the article you click and go to www.mydomain.com/amsterdam/companyx

so far so good.. I was googling to check how my site ranked on specific terms and i found out there were links that were like this www.mydomain.com/rotterdam/companyx And it shows the exact same page as /amsterdam/ 

So you can change the city to any existing city and it shows companyx that is located in amsterdam.

They are not being linked or shown on the listpages for rotterdam or any other place.

So i guess maybe i made some mistake in some settings? Does anyone have a clue?

Thanks and regards,


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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1


it is a known bug, basically you can display an article using any link as long last segment matches article alias. Should be fixed in upcoming 3.16 release.

187 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Ok, thanks Klas!

187 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1


i dont think its solved yet. I can still access the article from different urls they shouldnt be accessable. And it can still be a problem with your google-score. So is there a date known for the solution or can i help in some way?



4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

If I understood it correctly you need to specify allowed content types in the SEO settings of each search type you are using on the site, so that e.g. menu linking to apples search type will only have access to apple content type and not to articles that belong to pear content type.

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