9 years ago

Hi i need a answer to the topic in the old Fórum:


I Have a content type, but only a few have a FIELDX called 'relatorios_fieldx' related.

i have a joomla menu to list it, but i cant filter only the content type with this that FIELDX filled.


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9 years ago
Level 1

Hello Dorlnes,

in the search form, on the field "FieldX", with the options 3, you can add the match "Not Empty", so like that you will keep only content with something in the fieldX.



9 years ago
Level 2

Hi, i tried it but dont work :)

How CREACON said in the last post, all content type are listed.

Item 3., in "relatorios_fieldx" -> Match= Not Empty 

and clicked '+' and collection = relatorios_fieldx

But still listing all..

it can be related to the STORAGE of the some FIELD??

in my search form i have only CCK FIELD and this FIELDX (relatorios_fieldx)


9 years ago
Level 3


can you try that :

  • Add a "text" field in your search form with the storage " Article | Free | #__cck_store_form_your_table  |  column_name "
  • Add the match "Permissive on this field
  • Add the live value ::0:: on this field

#__cck_store_form_your_table  => must be the table where your fieldX is stored

column_name  => must be the column in the previous table where the fieldX is stored



9 years ago
Level 4

Hi Lionel, thanks.. a last doubt,

 how i discover the table where my fieldX is stored to create this text field?


I believe that the fieldx 'NAME' -> 'relatorios_fieldx ', is the name of the column!  -> #column_name

the storage of fieldx is CUSTOM - ARTICLE - INTROTEXT

Thank you again..

9 years ago
Level 5

Hello Dorneles,

you said " the storage of fieldx is CUSTOM - ARTICLE - INTROTEXT "

so the storage informations are :

  • table name : #__content
  • column name : introtext

So, The text field must have the storage : " Standard  |  Free  |  #__content  |  introtext "

NOTE : a fieldx must have the storage "Custom", but here with the text field, we dont want to search in the fieldx, but just look in the string stored if we find the substring "::0::" which mean that there is no fieldx item.

Best regards.


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