151 Posts
7 years ago

Hi Seblodians,

i have a group with two select fields:









In the content form, i have created two groupx entries, for example:

S1-O1 + S2-O1

S1-O3 + S2-O3

When i perform a search with the two select fields (filter) S1-O1 + S2-O3 i am getting a result. but it should not, because i dont have these combination i my content. Am i missing something?

Kind regards

Necati | pixelkultur

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1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1


Have you mucked around with the Match settings?

What have you tried with them?

151 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Hey Bucklash,

yes i have played around with the match settings. i have also tried the search operator plugin with the same result. Maybe it is getting clearer if i concretize my example:

There are users. Every user have a skill (select field) with a corresponding qualification degree (also select field). Example:

User A have the skill "Web Designer" with the degree "Beginner". He can also have further skills like "PHP Developer | Advanced", "SEBLOD | Master" and so on. Therefore the groupx construction.

My aim was to conctruct a search list where i can filter by skill and also by degree (optional). So with groupx i am getting a result for the search combination "Web Designer" and "Advanced" despite the user hasn`t advanced skills in "Web Designer", but in PHP.

So is this even possible with groupx?

Best regards

Necati | pixelkultur

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

Groupx is confusing to say the least.

Can you post screenshots of your fields in your search form?

Looking for things like is collection set correctly, do tou have correct fields and storages set....

151 Posts
7 years ago
Level 4

Hi Bucklash,

collection, storage and fields are correct since i can filter with the select fields fine if i am using only one of them. Its the combination which makes problems. Maybe this behaviour is wanted, i dont know...

You are right, groupx is a little confusing. Its fine for "not-so-important" data where you dont need them for further purposes. In my case, the problem with the groupx list lead me to another approach which opened me a complete new view for handling stuff like this: free object. Thats the reason why i opened this thread: Pros and cons of free objekt

In case someone is interested, i kicked out the groupx and replaced it with this approach:

1) Created three forms of the type "free object":  one for the table with the skills, one for the table with degrees, one for the table with the qualification

2) The qualification form gets two select dynamic fields for getting the skill and the degree

3) In the user form, i have created a free button whichs opens my qualification form and giving the users id this form

4) My qualification form has now the users id and the two select fields for skills and degrees

5) For the list, i am using the great search query plugin. This way everything works like a charm!

Maybe there is a better way or the groupx thing was something which failed because of the lack of my SEBLOD skills. But it is ok, since i`ve learned a lot more about free objects :)

Best regards

Necati | pixelkultur

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 5


Nice work! That would make a great tutorial that would stop a lot of head scratching.

The only solution I can think of is to use Search Operator .

Not sure if that does the trick or not  

There is a forum post but no real tutorial

151 Posts
7 years ago
Level 6

Thx a lot for your thoughts! Tutorial: Hope i can find some time to write one :)

Best regards

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