I ended up copying the seblod_table template and adding some query to get the cck id of the items I needed (got value from a field I put in with no storage type) and then populated the items array myself using no pagination. Now to just add some code to make the table the way I want it. NOTE: Doing it this way allows you still use the filtering the way you normally would but at the end it further filters the results with your query.
file: joomla/templates/seblod_table_copy/index.php
try {
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
->select(array('c.pk AS id', 'COALESCE(d.district_id, county.county_to_district_id, z2c.county_to_district_id) AS district_id','COALESCE(county.county_id,z2c.county_id) AS county_id'))
->from('#__cck_core AS c')
->leftjoin('#__cck_store_form_district d ON (d.id = c.pk)')
->leftjoin('#__cck_store_form_county county ON (county.id=c.pk)')
->leftjoin('#__cck_store_form_zip_code z ON (z.id = c.pk)')
->leftjoin('#__cck_store_form_provider p ON (p.id = c.pk)')
->leftjoin('(SELECT b.title AS zip_code, a.* FROM #__cck_store_form_zip_code a LEFT JOIN #__content ON (a.id=b.id)) AS z2p ON (z2p.zip_code = p.provider_to_zip_code)')
->leftjoin('#__cck_store_form_county z2c ON (z2c.county_id = z.zip_code_to_county_id OR z2c.county_id = z2p.zip_code_to_county_id)');
$districtField = $cck->get('district_id_search');
if (!empty($districtField) && !empty($districtField->value)) {
$results = $db->loadObjectList();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$items = array();
foreach ($results AS $result) {
$item = $cck->getItem($result->id);
if (!empty($item)) {
$items[] = $item;
//$items = $cck->getItems();
$positions = $cck->getPositions();