45 Posts
10 years ago


I would like to limit the numbers of search. I have a site/gallery with many fields (date, name, photographer, etc...) in content type but for a list  search i prefer to limit the numbers of displays for results. And the refresh of list search on my site don't work. The old search is allways display. (i'm french... sorry)

Have-you a answer please to limit and refresh all ? Thanks 

Get a Book for SEBLOD
10 years ago
Level 1

Hello Infos,

in your List&Search type you can go to Configuration Tab and set  Limit there.

What do you mean by refresh? Do you have fields for filtering and a submit button?

45 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Thanks gebeer,

For the limit now it's OK ! Thanks, and for the second question it's not "refresh" (sorry) but the good term is "reset"; I can't reset the search, always I have the precedent answer (display)!

10 years ago
Level 1

Your welcome.

Sorry, I don't know about the reset button. Maybe someone else can help.

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