131 Posts
6 years ago

hi, I have a list with subcategories, I read that, in view content link, it redirects you to the content you just clicked, but that does not work for me, let's say I have the subcategory called BLUEBELL, if my link is in view,what I understand is that once clicked the subcategory BLUEBELL, it redirects me to that sub category with the description of the subcategory and the articles that this subcategory has, right? but in my case, it is not working.

in the link appears the page/category/subcategory, that is what shows the link, so, it must work, but for some reason it is not showing me the info, do you know if there is a step I need? a way to show the info or something I didn't ad?

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Content view will only show you fields you added to the content tab of your content type, so in your case you need to add category description field to content tab of the category content type (is already there by default). What is ofcourse possible is that, when you created categories, you did not enter any descriptions so this field is empty.

131 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

so I have to add this fields to a category form or something? or to the form that contains the sub categories?

131 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

I think there is something about view I don't understand, in my view content, I see the fields I assigned, for example, I created this list of the subcategories, those are the fields in the view, but when I click, this is supose to show me the items in my content view, the thing I don't understand, it will show the items from another list with fields? because when in view I linked to a menu in other list, it gives me error

1283 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

i always thought content view was fir articles only, using them for categories is funky news to me....

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