8 years ago

Hello Sebloders,

I would like to ask you some advise, because I am lost a bit in my project.

Basically I have two contents in my project: Company (user) and Product (article).

All of the Products have category defined.

I have a List of Companies list & search type, where I can filtering the companies with some parameters.

My problem: how can I add a category dropdown field to my List of Companies list & search type, which filtering the companies who has Product in the related category.

Uff, hopefully you can understand what I am trying to explain above.

Any help would be appreciated!

Best regards


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154 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

You should be able to use the field SELECT DYNAMIC with a suitable SQL INNER JOIN Query (FREE)


27 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Or with Select dynamic Cascade plugin http://www.seblod.com/products/2997

"Adds an AJAX Cascading Drop-down list. Each drop-down is filled dynamically depending on the value of the previous one."

8 years ago
Level 1

Hi Sebloders,

Unfortunatelly my technical knowledge is not enough to solve this topic (I am not developer).

If somebody are able to solve it to me, I am ready to hire him/her for this micro-project.

In case you interested, please contact me: izrinyi at Gmail.

Thank you!


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