51 Posts
10 years ago

Although Seblod is immensely powerful it seems that in some circumstances it actually takes away functionality that was core/common to Joomla.

RSS Feeds for lists is a good example.

If you have to use a search list for a blog display due to custom search factors it doesn't seem possible to get an RSS feed of the list output. YOu can fake it with a blog display rss link but you dont get the same url format as specified in your search which isn't great. 

If someone has an example of Seblod list rss i'd love to see/know how it was done.


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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi alanski,

Here is a plugin.  Have you tired this?



51 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Randy, 

Thx for reply

I haven't tired that - but I am tired.

I think you have misunderstood the question.

10 years ago
Level 1

I also would need RSS feeds for Seblod lists, too

The plugin Randy is referring to can work with Feeds for Joomla Category blog menu items. But not for Seblod List&Search menu items.

Problem is that we cannot publish the syndication feeds module on Seblod List menu items. It just doesn't appear there. You can try this yourself:

Setup a syndication feeds module for a standard Joomla category blog menu item -> it will show up

Setup the module for a Seblod List menu item -> it will not show up.

So we cannot create native Joomla RSS feeds for Seblod List menu items :-(

I have tried Ninja RSS Syndicator component. But it displays


instead of the fulltext.

And we cannot choose custom fields to be displayed in the feed.

So what we'd need is native Seblod support for RSS Feeds.

Are there any plans on implementing this in the future? I have made a feature request in the tracker. Please comment there if you want that feature, too.

Does anybody know a way to generate syndication feeds from Seblod list menu items?

10 years ago
Level 2

I was just wondering if you had found a solution. I've posted a pre-sales questions to (http://foobla.com/joomla/obrss) regarding if their product will support this feature. I've not heard anything back from them yet. I feel that this is a real need with Seblod, for such things as creating custom podcasts from custom content types.

Currently on a project that I'm working on this is a deal breaker whether I use Seblod or not.

Cheers for any insights that you may have.


51 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

Sadly no. It is desperately needed really as it means once you buy into lists you suddenly lose functionality for Joomla. I was doing some work with Mehdi to implement for a client but I ended up using standard blog output to het the RSS - however for true custom content types in a list you simply can't do this. I did start making a custom RSS list template with SEBLOD team help but it stalled as I went for the quick win. I'll have a look later this week for the code and see if how usable / useful it is.

10 years ago
Level 4

Thanks very much. I think my quick fix is to create a custom template that will create the RSS Feed that will work for my podcast needs. I don't think that I have the time to create template that would be generic and work for everyone but something that I might come back to. I could see putting the generic information in podcast feed in the template properties instead of hardcoding them into the file.

I don't think that this should be too hard and the php I've seen to create this type of thing looks fairly simple. (https://github.com/aaronsnoswell/itunes-podcast-feed/blob/master/feed.php). I'll just adapt what is there and add in the Seblod field variables where needed.


9 years ago
Level 1

I've implemented something basic for Atom 1.0 that has been working for us. It should be useful to others. Here's a link.

There is a README.txt in the zip that has an introduction. Here are two sections of it that may help you decide if it's useful to you:
* key feed logic (feed level id, calculation of updated dates, links) done for you
* most other feed level elements defined in the 'List - Template' tab of SEBLOD Search List
* all entry elements in feed can be defined - if you can code them in SEBLOD typographies
* automatically manages the updated element between entry and feed level
* automatically encodes characters needed for well formed XML

* does not render anything if there are no results in the list. Although I think this is a SEBLOD problem
with the format=xml template
* does not support attributes that are not 'type' in title, summary, content, and rights entry tags
* hard coded attributes in feed level tags
* no translations (hard-coded strings) in 'List - Template' tab of SEBLOD Search List
* probably some obscure entities and/or character encodings will break something


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