30 Posts
6 years ago

Hello friends

I am using seblod 3.17.2 but I have already used 3.17.1 and in both the search does not work!
When I run a search it returns the following error: The last request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.
However serach returns an initial list but when I click to open the data it gives the following error: 404
Invalid URL
What is going on?
Thanks for the help

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30 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

I found the problem, it is the optimization of links of Joomla that is giving problem with seblod, I deactivated the optimization and it is working

65 Posts
5 years ago
Level 1

Dear claudio,

I do have the same problem. You wrote, that "optimization of links of Joomla" was the cause of this error.
Could you describe this more accurate to me? I deactivated in "Global configuration" the item "search engine friendly urls", but this does not help at all.
What did you change exactly?

Thank you


65 Posts
5 years ago
Level 2

Sorry to have disturbed you. I found my issue:

I had played around with the "Button submit" with which the search is executed. I tested several settings in this field, changed the task-setting from "save and close"  "save" and forgot to change this back. So the search broke. 

After resetting "task" in "button submit" to "save and close" everything worked fine again.

thank you


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