10 years ago


I want to filter my List inside of a module with a dropdown. The search form is not displayed - How can i achieve it? 

If i create another module with search it affects the content area and not the module.

thanks a lot


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10 years ago
Level 1

Hello designbengel,

we'll need more explication on how you have parameter the search form and the module.

It's something which is working well, so it's probably only due to your configuration.



10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Lionel,

i have a contenttype "video" and added a simple select in which dialect the video is. I added a List&Search Type, in search tab i added the simple select field with the dialects, in the item View i added the video. Then i added a module "Seblod List" which shows up all videos. But i want to have the simple select there with just one Video so i can switch between the dialects which are available inside of the module.

Hope that is more clear.



10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Elisa,

humm.., not sure to well understand..

In SEBLOD yo have modules for :

  • SEBLOD - Form => display the site form of a content type
  • SEBLOD - List => display the list (results) of a search type
  • SEBLOD - Search => display the Search form (without the list)

You display on one page, both, module list and module search if you want.



10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Lionel,

yes i know - but if i display the search form in module it does not search inside the other module but tries to search in the content view. I want to show the results in the module list. 

thanks again,


175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

If you display the List module, there is an option in List > Configuration "Show Search Form". That should do it on a module level, and you can always hide the search fields you don't need.

However, that sends an HTML request, effectively refreshing the page, so maybe it's not what you are looking for. Maybe what you need is an AJAX module.

10 years ago
Level 2

Hi webcastor, that doesn´t work unfortunately, the search form is not displayed...

Did someone solved it already with an ajax module? 



10 years ago
Level 3

Hi Elisa,

Is there any JS error on the page ?

The module search form is not displayed in the module but is its HTML code here but not displayed ?


10 years ago
Level 4

Hi Olivier,

no there is no JS Error. And the Form is not in the Sourcecode...


3 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5

Hi was this ever fixed, I have the same problem I only want a list module with a filter to display he result inside itself :(

9 years ago
Level 6

Hi, unfortunately no - i think this function never existed - but would be a great feature...

3 Posts
9 years ago
Level 7

I did think of a way to hide and show items in a list view using jquery but I cannot change the value of the item class or add a item class dependent on the field value in the html output of a list view.

I wanted to add this: <div id="<?php echo $cck->getValue("artwork_type") ?>"

To this: Index.php file in Seb template:  $html .= '<div>'.$row.'</div>';

So that If I have 2 values for the artwork type I can create hide and show buttons for the ID's of the divs.

Did you have any work arounds or ideas for your problem or did you leave it?

Kind Regards


8 years ago
Level 1

I was looking for the same function as Elisa.  I stumbled across part of a solution here and modified it to work:


I'm updating this post in case, like me, someone stumbles across it in their search.

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