7 years ago

I am working with Seblod for the first time and trying to figure out how to create a menu item to a list of articles and filter for a single category, similar to Joomla's blog view.  Can't seem to figure this out and any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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7 years ago
Level 1

To show only articles form single category you just need to add article category field to your artcles search form of Search&list type and set it's live value to desired category.

7 years ago
Level 2

Thanks!  took a minute to find the settings you talked about,  might be a candidate for additional documentation or training video.

1.  Add New Menu item (Type = Seblod List & Search)

2.  Select Tab Overrides (Live / Variation)

3.  Set "Article Category Id to desired category.

I can certainly see the power of this component, but have a long way to go in regards to understanding all the features.   Good Job!

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