26 Posts
6 years ago

Hi, I have a problem, which I cannot solve, despite trying different settings. I have a category 'News' with menu-itemid 2554. This is working correct if I make a menulink to the list&search type list. However the sefs for the content items all point to a different menu-id (the homepage). If I change the menulink to standard category blog, the item links work correct (with itemid 2554), but I would like to link it to the list&search type. Anyone has as solution?

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

You need to explicitly set target menu in the link settings (on the field you are linking in the list, see Content-View section - field with yellow background in the Manual)

26 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for your reaction. I have done that already. I think I have read every single forum post on this problem. And I have noticed that more people have the problem that it adds the itemid of home, despite of selecting another menu. The only way the links to the content item work as they should is when I make a 'normal' joomla menu blog link and not to a seblod list and search.

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