10 years ago
I have a List to show all articles created by the admin. It work fine showing published and unpublished items.
But when an article is created using the "publish up" field setted for tomorrow or a future date, it will not be shown on the list until that date has passed

The article exists and I can see it on the ADMINISTRATOR>CONTENT>ARTICLE MANAGER.

How can I show articles created using the "publish up" field setted for tomorrow or a future date on a list or search?

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10 years ago
Level 1
Problem solved.

Change "publish up" field setting to:
Set live value to 0.
Set Match to Future Only (>)

8 years ago
Level 1

This is not working for me. I got an SQL error. Maybe caused by the mixing of getting expired and pending items.

43 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

None of the methods I've found so far in the forum shows expired articles in frontend lists (Article manager).

Anybody knows if there is any new methods for this? :)

Regards Mime


I got my articles visible in the frontend Article manager by setting the field "Article Publish Down" to
Live value: 0
Match: Future only

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