44 Posts
3 years ago

Seblod 3.20.2, PHP 7.3.2, Mysql 5.6.40, Joomla 3.9.14, JoomShaper template Helix Ultimate.

I created a form and content types. I created a List and search type. I try to display it on the Joomla front end and I get "There is no result". I have data that is displayed in the back end Content Articles section. I have the category id set in the I have used this in other Joomla sites on the server and it works fine. I have the latest seblod and plugins. Any suggestions? 

I even created a joomla menu items for articles category list and it returned data, the article title from the seblod form. 

There is something wrong with the Seblod List and Search type results in the Joomla site. 

This works on another Joomla site on the same server with a different JoomShaper template Aspasia. 

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215 Posts
3 years ago
Level 1

Hi Tina,

What you can do is to enable Debug mode in the SEBLOD settings.  Go back to the page with "There is no result" and look at the MySQL query that is now displayed above your search list.  No result means that no items were found in the database, so the problem must be in th query.

Good Luck


44 Posts
3 years ago
Level 2

Thank you for the troubleshooting tips. I need to understand more what I put in the search list and forms and what tables and columns are in the database and how they map. I cannot assume anything. I had two title fields which one was not the article title field. Therefore, if I had the wrong one in the search list, nothing was returned. I think also, looking at the tables with mysql is helpful. I need to dig down more and understand it. Also, I was using a dynamic cascade field that needs to store the id in the table column, not the text that is from another table. At first, I did not put that in the field, now I need to do that which is hard to clean up. 

Anyways, thanks!

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