8 years ago

Hello to all.

I'm really happy that seblod exists inspite the problems that i have. I hope for more documentation.


I want to build an application for driving licence schools which will have 3 pages.

I need a two page search form for a content type in 3rd page (results).

The content type will have fields for name, image/logo, price, city (2 options), suburb (2 options for each city), vehicle type (2 options), driving licence type (2 for each vehicle type).

The search form will have selectors for 1st page-vehicle type, city. 2nd page will have selectors for licence type, suburb and the third page will be the results.

My problem is to built the two page search form. How can i stage these fields in two pages?

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Posting the same problem multiple times does not help it to get resolved. Please see your question at


8 years ago
Level 1

Sorry for that but i was not sure in which category to post.

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