7 years ago


I am learning how to use positions overrides.

  1. I created my form called Cadastro de Usuarios (cadastro_de_usuarios) and followed all instructions. 
  2. I downloaded the overridetemplate.php.txt and changed its name to mainbody.php.
  3. I placed this file into /templates/seb_one/positions/cadastro_de_usuarios/site.
  4. Everything works when I use seblod_one.
  5. I downloaded and installed the SD Simple Simon template.
  6. I copied the folder cadastro_de_usuarios and pasted a copy into /templates/SimpleSimon/positions/cadastro_de_usuarios/site.
  7. Using <?php echo $cck->renderField( 'email' ); ?> displays the input field only.

Is there anything missing in SD Simple Simon that might be causing this?

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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

SImple Simon is an old template that probably needs updating, you can use minima instead 

7 years ago
Level 2

Thank you Klas!!

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