by Octopoos

Templates Octopoos Free

Minima is a simple content / form template with only one position and minimal default markup.

  • Joomla! 3.x

It is geared towards those who prefer to write all of their template markup by hand. While there are other similar templates posted on the old forum (Barebones, Simple Simon, etc.), Minima keeps things simple with just a single position for all of your fields while still allowing use of the positions folder. This means like the default seb_one, you only need one installation of Minima to theme multiple views.

Theming Minima is the same as seb_one using position overrides except that all fields must be placed in the "main body" position and you only override mainbody. Please see the SEBLOD documentation for help with theming. Note that it will be very helpful to be familiar with html and css to use this template.
After installing Minima in the normal Joomla extension manager, you will need to define it in the SEBLOD template manager. Go to Construction->Templates and choose NEW. Add a title, under Name choose “seb_minima” and for Type choose “content/form”. Then save and close. Now it will be an available template for content views.

Business Clubs:

  • Lifetime License
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Single purchase:

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  • Lifetime License
  • Unlimited Domains








^ Copyright updated.

Sign In1.7.12018-06-27

+ Multiple "modal" positions.

Sign In1.7.02017-07-31

+ Apply CSS class to "modal".
# Empty "hidden" position fixed.

Sign In1.6.02017-05-10

! Extensive cleaning performed.

Sign In1.5.12016-08-26

^ Copyright updated.
^ Default variation: "Inherited".
+ Languages Files (package).

Sign In1.5.02016-04-28

+ Dynamic Custom Attributes.

Sign In1.4.02015-05-09

^ Export from App Folder

Sign In1.3.02014-10-17

+ Modal position added.

Sign In1.2.02014-07-01

! Clear/Hidden enabled by default.
# Missing translations added.

Sign In1.1.12014-03-13

+ Clear, Hidden positions added.
+ CSS (Root) added.

Sign In1.1.02013-06-01

Initial Release.

Sign In1.0.02013-04-12

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